31 October 2022



Violence?! G-d forbid! We're Jews!

On the categorically nonsensical and overwhelmingly Xian approach to the use of force

A blogger with a modicum of followers recently posted an apple so worm-rotted and icky, we just had to respond. . . . . Before anyone, you know... thought to take a bite.

To sum, this blogger's post campaigned against fisticuffs, guns and rebelliousness, in general — unless, of course, the assailant was preparing to plunge the dagger into your carotid conduit and you had no choice.

Kind of like that old joke Rav Kahane wheeled out regarding the difference between Muslims and Jews that we've pictorialized below —

Yes, the Mohammedan invokes his gawd when he endeavors to kill the Jew.
While the Jew, by contrast, invokes his G-d when preparing to die.

It's a bit dark, admittedly, but it speaks directly to the Jewish nonsense spouted by this otherwise spirited and sometimes intrepid and entertaining blogger.

Is the Jew Craven and Wheyfaced by Nature?

Yet it’s not with Rav Kahane that we intend to commence our screed today, but rather with the Chofetz Chaim.
Because, as is widely known, the Chofetz Chaim is considered in orthodox Jewish circles to be a grenade-launching, kung-fu master of low blows and eye-gouging nonpareil.
So, what did the Chofetz Chaim say?
Well, in a discussion relating to the Russian-Jewish association of communists known as the yevsektsiya,  who were not at all well-disposed towards Judaism and its adherents, but were neither plunging daggers into their necks, he remarked...

“Jews [in the Soviet Union] made a mistake when the edicts of the yevsektsia began. They should have gone right into battle against them, with dedication and self-sacrifice, ready to give their lives. 

Many, indeed, would have been killed, but Satan’s power would have been weakened. No one could be found, however, ready to sacrifice himself in battle; and so the yevsektsia grew stronger.”

Wait a minute!
Against Jews?
And many would have been killed?
The Chofetz Chaim?


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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Over millenia, because the Jew being hostage to the galut, the Jew today, in no way, represents the original Jews who received the Torah from Sinai. The Jew has become weak in spirit, in courage, in faith/trust in H' and has, just by the natural absorption of living amongst the nations, adopted many unTorah & unJewish customs and behaviors.
The Jew today is meek, even though, B'H, we have an army, but it is run like the armies of the nations, not of the Jews. Turn your cheek as the xtians do, not as the Laws of Torah command. Soon, Moshiach will be here and we will once again be the nation and the children of H', as His Torah Commands. Amen!

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