13 April 2021

On The Jewish Population of Israel

The proportion of Jews in Israel's population fell below the threshold of 74% for the first time this year, data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) published on Monday in honor of Israel's 73rd Independence Day has revealed. 

The report shows that close to the establishment of the state in 1948, the Jewish percentage of the population stood at 82.1%, while today it stands at only 73.9%. On Israel's 70th Independence Day, the rate of Jews was 74.5%, a decrease of more than half a percent in just three years.

Additional data reveals that on the eve of this Independence Day, the population of Israel is about 9.327 million. Segmentation shows that about 6.984 million are Jews (73.9%) and about 1.966 million are Arabs (21.1%), including Muslims (and Circassians), Arab Christians (including Armenians) and Druze. About 467,000 people are defined as others, including non-Arab Christians, members of other religions and those registered as having no religious classification in the population registry.

Since last Independence Day, Israel's population has grown by 137,000 people, an increase of about 1.5%. During this period, about 167,000 babies were born, about 16,300 immigrants arrived and around 50,000 people died.

Since the establishment of the state, about 3.3 million people have immigrated to Israel, with around 1.5 million of them arriving since 1990 with the beginning of the great wave of immigration from the former Soviet Union. During this period, about 129,000 citizens born abroad also immigrated to Israel.

In addition, according to the CBS forecast, the population of Israel in 2030 is expected to number about 11.1 million people, and in 2040 Israel's population is expected to be about 13.2 million citizens. The forecast also shows that the 100th Independence Day of the State of Israel (in 2048) will be celebrated by about 15.2 million citizens.

The CBS data also show that at the end of 2019, about 46% of the total Jewish population in the world lived in Israel and about 78% of the Jews in Israel were "sabras" (natives). Another statistic reveals that the population of Israel is a young population, with about 28.1% of them being children aged 0-14 and about 12% aged 65 and over. 

"This year, too, the proportion of the Jewish population in the State of Israel continued to decline rapidly, largely due to immigration, but most of the public is unaware of the tectonic demographic changes," said Yonatan Jakubowicz, executive director of the Israeli Immigration Policy Center.

"The CBS data emphasize the strategic importance of a responsible immigration policy that will safeguard Israel's interests as a Jewish and democratic state," he said.



Neshama said...

This comment came from Daniel:

Jews make up smallest percentage of population since founding of israel.

The partnership of the leftists as Erev Rav with non-Jews is around the corner.

elisheva said...

Also there was a recent report that the vast majority of the aliya this or last year was of non Jews. And what about all the illegal infiltrators, Arab and African, not counted in the stats?

For Jews, including Israelis, outside of Israel: it is not enough to be a good person, a good Jew, a good family/community member, to belong to American Friends of the IDF etc. If you are a real Jew, Israel needs YOU, not your money and not your support but you yourself and your family living in the Land of Israel. Corona is not the reason for the failure to make aliya, it's only been the last year and thousands of people did manage to make aliya during that time.

I felt it very strongly at the time, and still do, the Pittsburgnacht attack was the turning point for American Jews. Europe has been finished for a long time, who remembers or cares about Ilan Halimi, and Hashem sent another reminder with the Vienna attack also on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Rav Kahana said that the Shoah happened because it is not safe for Jews to be around when goyim are fighting each other. Rav Teichtal, HYD, said that it was because Jews were guilty of building up the exile and not the Land of Israel. 2021, the goyim are tearing each other apart in the Anglosphere and Europe, and the Jews are still building up the exile. For example, billions of dollars spent on Holocaust museums could have been used to settle the Land of Israel. Even as a private person, in Israel you contribute to the economy just by living here, however humbly.

If you're not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. And not wanting to be part of the solution is also part of the problem.

moshe said...

Believe their main goal is the reduction of the Jewish population, especially the religious ones, because they have (without shame - because evil has no shame) made the State a country for all its citizens. There is no more a visible 'law of return' for the bnai Yisrael. Until the regime of the Erev Rav will be over; we've got a problem. The solution will be the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu. There are Jews who believe only when all Jews will do teshuvah will our Goel come, but, of course, that is not true. Whether we are all righteous (then he comes immediately) or all wicked,'in its time, he will come'. We are in 'in its time' period and H' is hastening it and our salvation will come soon! Amen!

Daniel Grad said...
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Neshama said...

Elisheva, it is my belief that the reason for the Shoah, is because during and after WWI the Jews were abandoning the Mesorah of Yiddishkeit, they were being swept up by the ‘enlightenment’. Hashem took them. This is all written about very thoroughly by Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l in his book The Divine Madness. You should read it.

Neshama said...

Add to all this:
Coronavirus: Vaccinated foreigners to be allowed into Israel in May
The tourists will need to undergo a PCR coronavirus test before boarding the plane and another PCR test and a serological test when they arrive in Israel.

Now, Jews are foreigners! along with others.

Jews might need to start sue-ing the "State of all its people except the Jews"

moshe said...

Let's be clear: The so-called Jewish state has been overtaken by non-Jewish rule. E.Y. is, was and will always be the Homeland of Am Yisrael because it was given to us by the Creator for all eternity. It is presently occupied by foreign rulers and just as the others disappeared, so will they but much faster than any other previous foreign rule. As to what Daniel Grad above writes about capitalism. It is not capitalism that is bad but it has been overtaken by fascism which is when corporations take over the rule of law above the government itself. This is called corporate capitalism which erases freedom, and becomes outright fascistic.
King Moshiach will rule the earth as the servant of Hashem, Creator of the Universe. Governments will not be as once was. The world will be full of the knowledge of Hashem and our existence will be bliss in the physical and spiritual sense. The knowledge of Hashem will fill the whole earth! Praying H' hastens our Redemption with much chesed & rachamim & that evil will disappear forever! Amen!

Daniel Grad said...
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Daniel Grad said...
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moshe said...

Daniel Grad: What is hard to understand that if Netanyahu will give over the mantle to Moshiach, then why would he have put our people in such danger as to even be proud to show the world that he injected more than the other countries? This was and is an untested experiment. Many people have suffered from this this and are asking the same question. This is too twisted to understand. Please explain!

Neshama said...

Moshe, read Reb Dov’s response to Daniel at the Pollard Post above.

Daniel Grad said...
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Daniel Grad said...
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Neshama said...

Daniel, as long as readers do not know who you are, I think your comment should remain. It might be valuable or reassuring to some.
I’d like to know from where you find support for your ideas. The remaining ikkar of our lives is our neshoma and it is this that will be reunited with HaShem in all its grandeur. The body is flesh and does not elevate. We return to kesonas ohr, light. It does not need earthly elements to change our neshomas. We return as we were created by HaShem at the end of this millennium. So I don’t entertain alien inventions. Personally, I love how HaShem created this earth with all the natural beauty we see every day. Mankind has been at odds with this, and why they crate stone and mortar items. We could live so beautifully once again in Gan Eden.

Daniel Grad said...
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Neshama said...

After the 6th Millennium (of which we have enough years left for Mashiah and the Third Bris) we have the 7th of Kulo Shabbos, not on earth. The 8th and 9th we know very little about, but it is written about, also not on earth. Earth lasts until 6001.

I hear you discussing what Chabadnikim believe, according to what they understand from the Rebbe.

But I’m not so sure about that. The RaMCaL and others explain otherwise.

Not sure if you want me to post your latest comment. Please advise.

Daniel Grad said...
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Neshama said...

How revolting! Disgusting! He wants money!

Neshama said...

20-Year-Old Scottish Man DEAD 12 Hours After being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Jab

moshe said...

Daniel: Cannot agree even a fraction of a percent on the idea that there is any good in this injection. H' is our Healer and to think that these wicked bnai Nachash have the upper hand is blasphemous. We do not understand the ways of Hashem, but whatever he does is 'Good'! We know that there will be techiyat hameisim, so even if, c'v, many will pass on, they will return. This newest form of genocide is another wakeup call to our people and to the world. The ones holding fast in emunah and bitachon in H' understand this. Netanyahu is the name that he or his family gave him, not G-D. The Rebbe did not say that 'he' will be the one to give over the mantle, but the Rebbe gave him a signal that he can raise himself up and go the right way, but he did not go the right way as he 'joined' the globalists. We know what they are. No one who has a conscience would innoculate their citizens with something untried and unknown. There is so much evidence regarding this matter.
We pray for a refuah shleimah for every Yiddishe neshamah.
We need nissim and niflaot and H' is in Charge of that!
May our Geulah come b'chesed v'rachamim!
Also, on the matter of the 7th millenium, I think the Rebbe even said that it will be this world also, but in a 'spiritual' existence and in physical bodies. These are matters where we will only understand after the coming of Moshiach Tzdkeinu!

Neshama said...

AMEN Moshe!!
I like when you get fired up!

Neshama said...

Moshe it plays on my computer. Keep trying.

moshe said...

My laptop is old and probably somehow compromised; it just stays 'black', nothing comes up. Will look up Rabbi Kessin's latest videos. Thank you anyway.
Also, would like to commend you for your expose's on these vital matters. Great job! Big mitzvah; tizki l'mitzvot!

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