12 April 2021

Impressive Interview . . .

Interview with the Corona Investigative Committee in Germany with Dr Reiner Füllmich



moshe said...

THANK YOU, Neshama! This is probably one of the most 'impressive' and vital videos out there for the world to see. Hope most (many, many) get to see it. It not only brings G=D into everything that is happening at this insane time, but this dialogue with Germans makes it even more important and in a way bringing the 'light' to the nations and this is a great sign before the Ultimate Geulah! There are good people from every people and we see their awakening little by little and that is probably why H' has Unleashed this 'virus' and the 'vaccine' upon the world before the coming of our Moshiach tzdkeinu. Rabbi Weissman said everything 'right on'! From the very start, reading his articles in the Jewish Press and seeing/hearing him on the videos, I have been extremely impressed by his absolute correctness in his hashkafa, etc. May he continue to bring more and more light to our people as well as to the world. Praying that by those good peoples from the nations who will unite to undo the evil machinations of the wicked and, thus, halt the hard decrees from Above so that our Geulah can come b'chesed u'vRachamim!

Neshama said...

We’re on the same page. That’s what I told him after viewing the video.
Are u sure you read him in the Jewish Press?

moshe said...

Yes, that's where I originally got to read his articles; don't see it too much now, maybe because of all the controversy, they're not printing it. Also, Tomer Devorah posted some of his great articles and he's been quite vocal of late.

Neshama said...

I publish everything he sends me and he writes often

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