11 April 2021

Meir Ettinger April 7 – מה רוצה מנסור עבאס? – חלק ראשון – התנועה האסלאמית

What does Mansour Abbas want? 
Part One - The Islamic Movement

After a long period of research, Meir Ettinger seeks to explain what Mansour Abbas actually wants, and what made him suddenly announce his willingness to support a right-wing government, and what the practical implications of a government relying on the Islamic Movement's voices will be.

Mansour Abbas made headlines following his decision to place his party - the Islamic Movement Party, as the "balance sheet" between the left and the right, and the Likud-led Likud's great desire to train him in public to help him form a government, but in fact very few Jews know about the PM In particular and on the Islamic movement.

For the past year and a half, I have been working with Dr. Michael Ben-Ari on writing a comprehensive book on the trends among Israeli Arabs. Among Israeli Arabs in the coming years, many of the findings we have collected have been published on social media in recent weeks in order to open the eyes of the public to the great danger posed by this movement.

On the roots of the Islamic movement in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and its religious perception, Dr. Michael expanded on a podcast he posted on the Jewish Voice website. In this short series of articles I will try to touch briefly, on the more practical sides, explaining what Mansour Abbas actually wants, and what made him suddenly Announce a willingness to support a right-wing government, and what the practical implications of a government relying on the Islamic Movement's voices will be.

Different circles of identity, welfare and terrorism - this is how the Islamic movement was established

As an introduction, I will give a brief overview of the Islamic movement in Israel, a supplement to the history and roots of the Muslim Brotherhood, can be found in a podcast by Dr. Michael Ben-Ari. The Islamic movement in Israel was founded about 50 years ago in the early 1970s by Abdullah Nimer Darwish And his friends, who came to study in the post-Six Day War at the Islamic colleges in Hebron and Nablus, which were suddenly opened to Israeli Arabs. From there, they brought the idea of ​​the "Muslim Brotherhood" "Islam is the solution" to Israeli Arabs who were in a difficult political and social situation, after the loss of Arab countries in the Six Day War.

The Islamic movement in Israel, like the other fraternity movements in the world, and as Hamas began in Judea and Samaria began social activity, and established associations that dealt with education, welfare, and more in the spirit of Islam, at the same time the movement worked to establish a "forbidden" branch of jihad. "It collected weapons, and carried out property attacks, until members of the movement, including Nimer Darwish, were arrested in 1981 (1941). When Nimer Darwish was released, he stated that in his opinion the movement should now operate only within the framework of the law in order to fulfill its vision, and that the Arabs of Israel should not engage in armed struggle.

I will point out a point that is generally incomprehensible - the perception that Israeli Arabs should act within the framework of the law and not within the framework of the armed struggle, is the central position in the PLO and the Arab parties (including the common one). The reason is practical, the Arabs see the role of Israeli Arabs. During the second intifada, Abu Mazen himself asked the Israeli Arabs not to participate in the intifada, and according to various testimonies of PA representatives (whose credibility is not entirely clear), Nimer Darwish himself said that Abu Jihad of the PLO leaders (who was assassinated by Israel in Tunis) approached him and asked him that the Arabs within the State of Israel not engage in terrorism, so that they could help "prisoners."

The Islamic movement in Israel has defined itself as three circles of identity: Muslim - the vision, the goal, the establishment of an Islamic caliphate from Morocco to Indonesia and within it Palestine, as expressed by the movement's current chairman Hamad Abu Deabs Rahat. Palestinian - the movement regretted strengthening the Palestinian identity of Arabs Israel, the preservation of ties between the Arabs of Israel and the Arabs of the Palestinian Authority, and the role of mediator between the factions - Fatah and Hamas, and finally an Israeli citizen - the demand for full civil rights.

Welfare associations to run in elections

The movement has set up a network of dozens of associations including schools, day care centers, higher education, charities, sports teams and more, in order to provide Islamic education in the spirit of the Muslim Brotherhood, in addition to establishing associations designed to help financially disadvantaged Judea and Samaria Arabs since the first intifada. When the central and largest organization, Al-Aqsa, is responsible for the central role that the Islamic movement in Israel sees for itself.

In 1999, Abdullah Darwish decides to run in the Knesset elections (at the same time the northern faction also participated in the municipal elections, and even won in several cities). Participated in the democratic elections in Egypt, the decision to join the election was opposed by a small number of Shura council members led by Raed Saleh and Kamel Khatib who retired and formed the "Northern faction", which advocates the establishment of an "independent community" based on state budgets.

Abdullah Nimer Darwish resigned from the movement's actual leadership in 1998 and was replaced by Ibrahim Tsarzur, who later served as a member of the Knesset in Israel. The first chairman of the Ra'am party - the political wing that ran for the Knesset on behalf of the movement - was' Abd al-Malek Dahmasha, his lawyer. Of Hamas founder Ahmad Yassin, which is important to understand that Damascus, who was supposedly the representative of the "moderate faction", openly supported incitement in the second intifada when he said in Syria: Ready to stand "at the head of the martyrs for al-Aqsa", and this is the representative of the southern faction, which the "scholars" call - the "integrator" and the "pragmatic".

This point is important because in the recent training campaign of the RAAM party, both on behalf of the Likud and its spokespersons in the media, said for example Muhammad Majdala - an Arab political commentator who recently became a darling of the Israeli media and a "specialist" on behalf of Raem, who himself was a security prisoner From the support of the armed struggle. This is of course a complete lie, part of the lie about the "moderate approach" of the southern faction and the RAAM party that I want to refute in this series of articles.

Ibrahim Knesset member Ibrahim Tsarzur replaced him as chairman of the Ra'am party, and also served as chairman of the movement and chairman of the party, until 2011, when Hamad Abu Dabas from Rahat replaced Ibrahim Tsarzur as chairman of the movement, and Mansour Abbas was appointed his deputy. , Until he was elected chairman of the party in 2018 and replaced MK Massoud Ganaim.

In the next article in the series, we will talk about the activities of the Islamic Movement and the Ra'am party in the last decade, and the question "What does Mansour Abbas want" when he suddenly decided to cooperate with the right-wing government.


Daniel Grad said...

The End of Days scenario unfolding. Ra'am supporting a right wing government. Can that be real?
Nuclear tech has been transferred from China to Iran.
Arabs are preferred to leftists. Where Yisrael has arrived? It means that her downfall comes from the inside.
Prepare for the worse, the Kinneret has fallen 30cm.
The current events resemble those before the destruction of the temples.

Neshama said...

Why not the “arabs” and the “religious”? They can work together because they have similar ‘cultural’ lifestyles: kosher, modesty, praying! Maybe that might keep down the marauders and murderers??

Better in Iran than China. Israel can reach Iran.

Why has the Kinneret fallen?? It rained again, no?

No so sure the resemblance from my vantage.

moshe said...

Anyone who thinks that these partnerships in our holy EY is a good thing is surely fooling themselves. E.Y. has to go back to what its purpose is; It is the Land of the Jewish nation living by G-D's Holy Torah! Nothing else matters because there is only one reason that the leftists were the ones to get us back into our Land and that is because they are the Erev Rav and their associations to the non-Jewish is how we got to get here. Their mission is over; they have destroyed so much from within and now real Jews must unite to rebuild a true 'Jewish' Torah country. If, we fool ourselves by thinking like the nations instead of thinking of 'Am Shebachar banu' then the Geulah will come with even greater hardships than we can imagine, c'v. So, wake up Yiddelach and remember who you are!

Neshama said...

Moshe, its all scripted by HKB”H to arrive at the climax HE wants. Remember, the BIG CHESS GAME IN SHAMAYIM, the moves are made there.

moshe said...

True, the big chess moves come all from Shamayim. But, we are given the choices to do the right thing down here; and as long as we have those at the helm, nothing will change and maybe that's what H' wants so that HE can take Nekama! H' will not be Happy and complete until His Name & Throne are complete and that will be when His enemies are gone forever!

Neshama said...

Who said this:

“Approximately 73 years after its foundation, Israel is becoming a state most similar to Nazi Germany, a technologically advanced but ideologically failed state.” [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 29, 2021]”

And if Israeli politicians/medical–terrorists insist on their green passport, after duping Israelis to take the deadly and experimental “jab”, and to punish the not vaxxed, they most certainly should be held under Nuremberg 2.0, because they are deliberately going to be responsible for the murder of many Vac in aited Israelis. They are no better than the N’s y”s.

There, I said it. And it’s true, with all their acting and smiles and two-faced lie-ing, they’re no better, maybe worse.

elisheva said...

Moshe is right that there must be no internal political partnership with goyim, whether they hate us, Arabs, or "love" us (eg Jewish-Xn list), either way their end game is to destroy us. Political egos aside, there are at least 65 mandates for a Jewish Israel. That is what the people want, yet, min shamayim, we have this impasse. Rav Nachman Kahane said it best, that Be"D the failure of the electoral system to produce a leader will lead to the people accepting the leadership of Melech Moshiach Tsidkeinu.

Rav Anava brought from the Zohar that there would be a secular Jewish state for seventy years, after which there would be a two year period of confusion, and then Moshiach will come. If just a mere two years ago, anyone would have predicted the last two years in Israel and the world, he would have been thought a meshugana. Yet it has all come to pass. Be"D we are very close.

moshe said...

Neshama, as each day passes and we learn more and see with our own eyes the way Israel and the rest of the world is going, I believe this, in a way, was their plan from the very start. Remember, the Erev Rav have no love nor true connection to EY and to Am Yisrael. We are closer to the coming of Moshiach than we can even imagine. Let's pray so because the Yehudim and the world, in general, are in great danger. H' Yerachem!

Neshama said...

Yes, yes, of course. Don’t doubt that I agree with you. I write to get people to think about things.

Neshama said...

thank you elisheva for the info from Rav Anava. I tried to contact the Rabbi but no reply yet. I wrote to his Yeshiva in Shvat. Does anyone have any NEW INFO from him?

elisheva said...

I'm on Rav Anava's email list, yesterday I received an email about a tefilla that he is doing today.

Neshama said...

Elisheva, a tefila or a video?

elisheva said...

The email address is

There is a video embedded in the email, posted three weeks ago.

Daniel Grad said...

The level of water of Kinneret will come down. Mashiach's coming in the year following the shmitah year, i.e. after 25 Sept 2022.

Daniel Grad said...

Jews make up smallest percentage of population since founding of israel.

The partnership of the leftists as Erev Rav with non-Jews is around the corner.

Neshama said...

OK Daniel, this is significant. I added this comment of yours to my new Post about the population article. Hope you don’t mind. You can send more comments if you want to that article.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...