26 April 2021

EUPHEMISM – “Environmental Considerations”

No Fires on Lag B’OMER ??

Will they succeed? The next stage in the world takeover by the inmates of the asylum is in progress. Our non–govt is trying to comply with the Agenda. In addition to this, is the silent stealth maneuvers of banks, in their approach to controlling your currency. Forget about crypt-oes. We are in for a harrowing roller-coaster ride.

First it was “heat wave”, then it was the “virus”, now it’s the EPHM! Is there a pattern here?

The Environmental Protection and Health Ministries(EPHM):  Bonfires produce smoke and air pollution and cause breathing difficulties. 

JPOST April 2021: “The Tel Aviv-Jaffa Municipality on Sunday called on residents to celebrate Lag Ba'Omer without lighting traditional bonfires.The holiday will take place on Thursday evening and Friday, and the municipality is asking citizens not to light bonfires because of safety and environmental considerations.  “...are also urging alternative ways to celebrate the holiday.”

YnetNews May 2020:  Israel bans all Lag BaOmer bonfires due to coronavirus outbreak. Traditional bonfires banned in private areas as well due to fears of mass virus contagion and multitude of house fires; pilgrims not allowed to visit tomb of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai in Mount Meron 

timesofisrael May 2019:  The Fire and Rescue Service has announced strict restrictions on bonfires this Wednesday night, the eve of the Jewish holiday of Lag B’Omer, due to a severe heat wave expected to hit the country ahead of the weekend.

* * *

Need we say more? This is one symptom of their plan to control .... they will be using these “ministries” more and more to pull us under the glowbil blanket. All while appealing to “logic” and “saving earth”. 

As if HaShem is not in control. 

They want to be the “in-control-ministries” over our lifestyle and bodies, to “protect us”. Euphemism.


A link to keep

1 comment:

moshe said...

Simply stated, they are doing and thinking constantly what more they can do to fight our Holy Creator, G-D Almighty, and His Torah. As long as there are G-D fearing Jews who love Hashem, His Torah, His people and our Holy Eretz Yisrael, they cannot put their evil, evil plan into effect; that's been the war from the start and that's why there is constant anti-semitism because we and Torah are in their way! Of course, the Almighty is their #1 enemy! They think (want) to be gods. But, thankfully, H' picked us because we are an "Am Kshei Oref" (stubborn) people and our Love of Hashem cannot be tampered with, B'H!

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