18 February 2021


 A 28-year-old healthcare worker from the Swedish American Hospital, in Beloit, Wisconsin was recently admitted to the ICU just five days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s experimental mRNA vaccine. 

The previously healthy young woman was pronounced brain dead after cerebral angiography confirmed a severe hemorrhage stroke in her brain stem.

Young nurse suffers from hemorrhage and brain swelling after second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine

Her family members confirmed that she was "breaking out in rashes" after the vaccine.

Doctors warn that a recently-infected patient who is subject to covid-19 vaccination is likely to suffer from autoimmune attacks along the ACE-2 receptors present in the heart, and in the microvasculature of the brain, liver and kidney. 

You’re not dying fast enough!
Wake up everyone around you!

What VAERS Data Reveal About Cardiac-Related Reactions to COVID Vaccines

As of Feb. 4, 1,171 cases of cardiac-related reactions were reported to VAERS, including 134 cases where the patient died — or 21% of the total COVID vaccine deaths reported to VAERS. 

Reader Comment:

And with a huge proportion of COVID-19 infections being asymptomatic, getting injected with mRNA ‘vaccines’ is exactly like playing Russian roulette.

The very strong likelihood is that many people suffering ‘COVID-19 autoimmune effects’ have in fact been ‘tested’ beforehand with swabs actually impregnated with the very agent that is stated to be COVID-19 in the first place, hence the terrifying onslaught of many ‘autoimmune reactions’ like gangrene that are now being stated to result from COVID-19 itself.

The victims of such horrific ‘autoimmune reactions’ have, almost without any shadow of a doubt, thereby been set up to suffer such reactions so as to misleadingly convince people of the horrors of COVID-19 itself and thus get them to consent to receiving impregnated test swabs and then the so-called mRNA vaccines that will in themselves actually be the real cause of such autoimmune reactions supposedly caused by COVID-19 itself.


Those responsible for this attack on humanity are never satisfied with merely murdering us, they are only satisfied by slowly torturing people to death, such as with fake cancer treatment like chemotherapy and X-Ray radiation, whilst the painless, side-effect free and 100% effective cure for cancer and all pathogenic diseases has remained purposely hidden by the American [...] government establishment since 1939, which would cure any pathogenic disease in merely 3 minutes, and any cancer in just two to three non-invasive treatments of just 3 minutes each by specific harmless radio wave frequencies if the original Rife equipment and specific means of using the exact frequencies that he successfully used are again employed, though these are still hidden.

Such is the real nature of the work of ‘government’ by these twisted [...] demons now infiltrated into the governing establishments in many nations as they conspire to bring their NWO one world terrorist government into full operation.

The continued withholding of that Rife equipment by the infiltrated and subjugated American government from the peoples of the entire world will lead to literally billions of protractedly agonizing and entirely unnecessary deaths from cancer alone, and of course from their falsely necessitated mRNA bioweapon ‘vaccines’ as well.

[...] some comments omitted due to language

1 comment:

moshe said...

What a frightening post and yet there are so many who are so uninformed and are even angry when there aren't enough vaccines to go around. Insanity, just plain insanity! Because of the completely false news everywhere and the people who rely on the lies, they don't know the truth! People MUST wake up and start reading articles of truth; there's much out there for everyone to find the right sources because if not, this could be, c'v, a worldwide genocide. H' yerachem - may this Purim, please H', overturn all evil decrees just as it was in the original Purim! Amen!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...