17 February 2021


FRANKFURT (VINnews)A group of Israeli chareidim from Jerusalem received a permit to return to Israel despite the aerial lockdown due to a complex humanitarian issue. The chareidim, who had been in Morocco, managed by travelling through various different countries to reach Frankfurt airport, where all returning Israelis are being directed. However when the group arrived in Frankfurt, they were detained by German authorities in a secret place and not permitted to leave. Moreover, their passports were taken away from them. When some of them tried to leave and rest on one of the benches in the airport, the German staff woke them up every few minutes with strange demands.

The group decided to contact Uri Maklev, a Degel Hatorah member who serves as Israel’s deputy transport minister. Maklev spoke with the local rabbi and the German ambassador who provided all their needs for them and also acted with German authorities to enable the group to leave the country Sunday. “It was antisemitism par excellence,” one of the chareidim said. “They saw that we are chareidi Jews and from the moment we entered the airport they didn’t stop harassing us and looking for ways to annoy us, it was simply pure hatred.” When all the permits for the flight had been received, the Germans decided to delay the group, knowing that this would cause them to miss the only flight that day. Only a timely intervention by Maklev enabled the flight to be delayed for a while until the group was able to board.  


German parliament ratifies Agenda ID2020 and Bill Gates’ “vaccination package” for global depopulation. 

On Jan. 29, the German parliament ratified the implementation of Agenda ID2020, the next phase of the global Mark of the Beast rollout being ushered in on the back of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”

This centralized general electronic data collection program will profile every citizen in Germany and grant access to every government agency, police department, and three-letter agency, as well as to the private sector.

Up to 200 points of information, and possibly more as time goes on, will be included in the program. These include people’s bank accounts, shopping habits, health records, including vaccination records, political inclinations, and probably even dating habits.

If the government can use it against you, Germany wants to house it in the Agenda ID2020 database, which was designed by none other than billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates as part of his “vaccination package.”

Backed by the Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), the program aims to inject every human being with microchips that can be remote-accessed using 5G and subsequent 6G technologies. The program’s private partners include many Big Pharma names such as Johnson & Johnson (J&J), GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), Merck & Co., and of course the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

According to Peter Koenig, writing for Global Research (Canada), ID2020 is shaping up to be “vaccine-implanted” and “remote-accessible by EM-geared computers, robots or algorithms.”

“The adoption of Agenda ID2020 still has to be approved by the German Federal Council, but there is little chance the Council will reject it,” Koenig explains.

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Covid Camps Exposed: China, Germany Put People in Camps for Violating Authoritarian Lockdowns...Does Germany Never Learn from Its Past Atrocities?

One might consider the German government to be a preeminent authority on authoritarianism.  They literally wrote the book on it.  In the 1930’s, they ruthlessly paved the way for deathcamps during Hitler’s brutal reign that resulted in WWII.  Now, as if in preparation for a centennial celebration, the gentle German government is at it again. Recently, protests in Germany have erupted by decent law-abiding citizens who are fed up with their illegal and disgusting lockdown rules.  In response, the german government and police force began attacking its citizens on cold winter days with water canons to, you know…slow the spread…or something:

But, this is Germany–they think big when it comes to abusing their own people.  Freezing water canons are barely their totalitarian hors d’oeuvre.  In preparation for their main course, Angela Merkel’s Germany is once again creating ‘camps’ for those who violate their fascist illegal unethical rules.  And, instead of attacking just Jews  as they did in the 1930s (action set pieces must always multiply and get bigger in sequels), they are beginning this totalitarian sequel by attacking any race or sex that dissents from their unscientific unlawful Wuhan Virus mandates. Their president, Angela Merkel believes that those who do not take the experimental biological agents that she calls ‘novel vaccines’ should be banished from access to normal society.

She is literally creating a serfdom openly and intentionally. The camps will use the buildings, below, once used to house illegal immigrants.  Instead, they will now be repurposed to by the totalitarian German government against its own citizens who have done nothing wrong except live life as free members of society who oppose authoritarianism. Germany is definitely not alone in its authoritarian thinking.  Arm in arm with this latest German authoritarianism is China, who has been creating massive camps for Wuhan Virus detainees as well […]

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elisheva said...

Everything that happens in the world is for us to learn from, strengthen our emuna and use as a model for ourselves. This is a story of Jews who had the ratzon to reach EY, took action, and on encountering difficulties sought help from a haredi MK, and Hashem helped them succeed. I'm sure that there were lots of tfilot too. This story is a model for every Jew who wishes to come to Israel. Ein Od Milvado. There is no obstacle in your path that Hashem cannot resolve for you. A Jewish woman who had a really complicated story, children from two marriages etc, no money, recently made aliya during lockdown, without even having a passport and other "necessary" documentation. And making aliya, doesn't mean that it has to be official aliya, but just coming to Israel. Afterwards you can go through the bureaucracy here.

elisheva said...

A very important message for Jews around the world: the whole world is in danger, we're on the verge of a global holocaust! Share with at least five people

This video is for everyone who has someone outside of Israel. If you're watching this outside of Israel, please listen very carefully. If you're watching this in Israel, the Holy Land, and you have friends and family in the diaspora, please share it and ask them, beg them not to ignore it. Don't say that everything is going to be ok, calm down, because it's not going to be ok.

The corona virus has affected the whole world, everyone can see it. Everything has come to a halt, airports are closed down. Everything is completely collapsing. More and more companies are going bankrupt.

Things are becoming increasingly complicated. We're on the verge of a global holocaust. A holocaust that is going to tear the world apart. a third world war, that will tear humanity apart. It's going to be a terrible war, a war with America and China, and all of Europe, and absolutely terrible things. The great America is going to get the beating of its life, that's what our tradition foretells. A great tsunami. And the most protected place on earth is the Land of Israel.
All the tsaddikim, absolutely all of them, are shouting out, come home fast. You've got nothing to stay for there. Come home.
In Europe, in 1935, 1936, 1937, the Jews could already see what the madman was going to do. And people had lots of businesses, and it was really hard to give them up, and they and their businesses perished.
We want you to be saved. We don't want you, as Rav Yehuda Leibovitz from Bnei Brak, he was called an angel of Gd, said, he said to one of his followers, if you're going to America tell the Jews there to come to Israel, otherwise they'll be lucky if they make aliya in their pyjamas.
Dear brothers and sisters, the war hasn't started yet, we're on the verge. Flee, flee and come to Israel as quickly as possible. Save yourselves. Do everything in order to come to Israel. I don't know how, make every effort you can. Because your lives are at risk. Because once it all starts, the skies will truly be closed.
Then it will be truly impossible to do anything, and what will become of you? How will you get here?
Yes, it's dangerous in Israel, but the danger will be miniscule compared to what’s going to happen in the rest of the world.
At the same time, until then, strengthen yourselves in Torah and mitzvot, in every way possible. Do very strong tshuva, because if, Gd forbid, you don't manage to get to Israel before the start of the war…Only your strengthening yourselves in Torah and mitzvot will protect you and keep you safe.
Here in Eretz Yisrael, we are praying for you, waiting to see you here, anticipating the arrival of the Moshiach, but in order to see him with great mercy, we need great merit.
Please, please, please take this video and send it to all the continents of the world.
I'm just telling you what all the tsaddikim (righteous people) in Israel are telling you, all of them in unison.
Please, please spread this video every way possible. Every Jew who can pack up, come home, come home to Eretz Yisrael. And until then strengthen yourselves in kedusha in every way possible, with modesty, guarding your mouth, changing your relationship with Hashem,
Make your relationship with Hashem more spiritual, closer to Him, because that will be your protection that will keep you safe. Good luck and much love.

elisheva said...

From Rav Zizholtz, a big tsadik in Israel, with huge ahavat yisrael. This is the English transcript of a recent youtube video, that has been taken down.

A very important message for Jews around the world: the whole world is in danger, we're on the verge of a global holocaust! Share with at least five people

This video is for everyone who has someone outside of Israel. If you're watching this outside of Israel, please listen very carefully. If you're watching this in Israel, the Holy Land, and you have friends and family in the diaspora, please share it and ask them, beg them not to ignore it. Don't say that everything is going to be ok, calm down, because it's not going to be ok.

The corona virus has affected the whole world, everyone can see it. Everything has come to a halt, airports are closed down. Everything is completely collapsing. More and more companies are going bankrupt.

Things are becoming increasingly complicated. We're on the verge of a global holocaust. A holocaust that is going to tear the world apart. a third world war, that will tear humanity apart. It's going to be a terrible war, a war with America and China, and all of Europe, and absolutely terrible things. The great America is going to get the beating of its life, that's what our tradition foretells. A great tsunami. And the most protected place on earth is the Land of Israel.
All the tsaddikim, absolutely all of them, are shouting out, come home fast. You've got nothing to stay for there. Come home.
In Europe, in 1935, 1936, 1937, the Jews could already see what the madman was going to do. And people had lots of businesses, and it was really hard to give them up, and they and their businesses perished.
We want you to be saved. We don't want you, as Rav Yehuda Leibovitz from Bnei Brak, he was called an angel of Gd, said, he said to one of his followers, if you're going to America tell the Jews there to come to Israel, otherwise they'll be lucky if they make aliya in their pyjamas.
Dear brothers and sisters, the war hasn't started yet, we're on the verge. Flee, flee and come to Israel as quickly as possible. Save yourselves. Do everything in order to come to Israel. I don't know how, make every effort you can. Because your lives are at risk. Because once it all starts, the skies will truly be closed.
Then it will be truly impossible to do anything, and what will become of you? How will you get here?
Yes, it's dangerous in Israel, but the danger will be miniscule compared to what’s going to happen in the rest of the world.
At the same time, until then, strengthen yourselves in Torah and mitzvot, in every way possible. Do very strong tshuva, because if, Gd forbid, you don't manage to get to Israel before the start of the war…Only your strengthening yourselves in Torah and mitzvot will protect you and keep you safe.
Here in Eretz Yisrael, we are praying for you, waiting to see you here, anticipating the arrival of the Moshiach, but in order to see him with great mercy, we need great merit.
Please, please, please take this video and send it to all the continents of the world.
I'm just telling you what all the tsaddikim (righteous people) in Israel are telling you, all of them in unison.
Please, please spread this video every way possible. Every Jew who can pack up, come home, come home to Eretz Yisrael. And until then strengthen yourselves in kedusha in every way possible, with modesty, guarding your mouth, changing your relationship with Hashem,
Make your relationship with Hashem more spiritual, closer to Him, because that will be your protection that will keep you safe. Good luck and much love.

elisheva said...

Rabbi Yaakov Zisholtz told religious broadcaster Radio 2000 that Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky recently told him that he (Kanievsky) is already in direct contact with the Messiah.

Neshama said...

Elisheva, this is all from 2020! We are now in February 2021.

moshe said...

elisheva, Israel has shut down it airports and is not allowing non-citizens to come in. Maybe if leadership of American rabbis or organization would see to it to make arrangements for plane loads of Jews to come would be great, but doubt that right now the Israeli govt. would allow. I believe that Israel is an occupied country under the control of the ptb's and are doing exactly what they are ordered to, r'l. Otherwise, their obsession with vaccinating the Jewish remnants at such a speedy pace when it has never been tried & tested and is proving to have had already too many victims (who have passed on and/or critically ill from it) is just not normal! B'H, there seems to be people waking up at long last and realizing the seriousness of this situation. There's, B'H, a Raffeh party that seems to realize how dire the situation is and, hopefully, they can have some influence. The amaleikite nation of germania is back to the only thing they know and that is retzach. The only thing we can say is Moshiach is almost here but not soon enough. We pray to H' the following words, 'Shfoch et chamatcha al........

Religious Zionism Ultimatum.....

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