02 February 2021

Asher Yatzar neged the Yetzer

Asher To The Yatzar

a campaign launched to inspire Klal Yisroel the world over to give more meaning to this most powerful bracha that we express so many times a day. ‘Asher’ means praise, and ‘Yatzar’ refers to The Creator of the world- thus using the words of the bracha to help put the goal of the bracha in full perspective. The bracha is all about praise- and praise is done with heartfelt feeling. This is the hope and prayer of this amazing project; to stop and put feeling into the words that we say

The project was launched by Habochur Yosef Chaim Ben Devorah Leah Hecht, who utilized his difficult nisayon, to bring his nation to a new awareness. And it is being done in conjunction with Alexander Zusha Ben Aliza- of whom his family as well has took on this initiative of Asher Yatzar as a merit for his complete refuah.

Please join us in promoting this kiddush Hashem to the entire world- and may we thus merit to see Refuos yeshuos to all of Klal Yisroel speedily in our time.


elisheva said...

Whilst the information about the non-vaccine etc is important, most important of all is to always remember Ein Od Milvado and to strengthen ourselves in emuna and bitachon. Rav Kanievksy shlita says to always read asher yatsar, ie not say it from memory, for refua. Personally, I have two laminated versions, one on the fridge and one in my purse, so wherever I am I always have it handy. Also heard, that at least to say the asher yatzar of the morning brachot slowly and with kavanna.

Also the last pasuk of tehillim, "kol haneshama tehallel ....", forgot whose perush, but read neshama as neshima. All the breath will praise you, quite apropos re the virus. Rav Shimshon says whenver you have an issue you should repeat over and over a pasuk relating to it. Also the last pasuk of tehillim contains the power of the whole of sefer tehillim.

Neshama said...

Very nice Elisheva, thank you.

elisheva said...

You're welcome. The other thing is before taking any medication/vitamins, medical treatment, even exercise, to say:

יהי רצון מלפניך ד קלהי וקלהי אבותיי שיהי עסק זה לי לרפואה כי רופא חינם אתה.

Also very important when eating with bread to say even just a few words of Torah. I think it was Rav Mann who said it's a segula for shmirah. And as much as possible to focus on Hashem.

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