16 February 2021

"Mi K'Amcha Yisroel!”

"Mi K'Amcha Yisroel!” 

I’ve received the following from Hadassah and anyone wishing to JOIN please email her at the address below: 

To the most beautiful N'Shei Yisroel,

Is it possible to have your attention for 90 seconds?!

It's just one week since this initiation innocently evolved and as of this writing the Kiddush Hashem Sheet(as I like to refer to it 😉) is holding at just short of 650!!!!!!!!

Do you process what that means? 

In simple terms that means that just about 650 N'Shei Yisroel like you and myself have tried/are trying to make themselves/families just a tiny bit better to show Hashem that we truly can be better - and not just in theory - but in actual practice!!! And action we have taken!!!

It's very nice to receive feedback about this initiative(it's not a hint....😉) - it really is - but the honest and I mean straight - up-front honest thing is that it isn't and wasn't me at all.  Yes! I'll agree that I wrote up an email - but where would that email go and what would it do if not for your help?!

The real SHOUT-OUT and I mean the real MEGA one 📢 goes to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! Do you want to know why?! It's because - each of you opened this email - wrote something on the sheet - forwarded it and shared it throughout the world!!! Yes!!! Each one of you that sent it to your neighbor/friend/HS/Sem/family group/acquaintance/boss/landlord/posted it on your status/and I don't know where else - has enabled this to be at the point that it is and IS GROWING!!! Bli Ayin Hara! 

Be proud!!!  Collectively, we've got much to be proud of!!!

Let's keep going!

Let's keep sharing/posting/forwarding!

Let's keep strong in our commitments!

Can you think of a greater Nachas Ruach for HKB"H?!

May all of the zechusim that have been and continue to be generated through this venue stand us all in the greatest stead and enable us to be on the front line to welcome Mashiach ben Dovid! 


Just saying the following - we say and learn in the Yud Gimmel Middos (13 Attributes of Mercy) that Hashem is נוצר חסד לאלפים (graces for thousands) which means that Hashem repays and gives reward for each Mitzvah for 1,000 years. 

Glancing on the Kiddush Hashem spreadsheet(attached below) and seeing the areas in which different beautiful N'Shei Yisroel chose to try and improve as a zechus for Yeshuos & Refuos for all of Am Yisroel - and all of the world is nothing short of the declaration - "Mi K'Amecha Yisroel!" (Who is like the nation of Yisroel) 

Over 1,000 special and privileged N'Shei Yisroel and their families generating and creating zechusim/Mitzvohs - with each one being rewarded for 1,000 years.....even if math isn't your strong point....clearly you recognize and understand that what is taking place is simply off the charts!

Kol Hakavod N'Shei Yisroel for being the forerunners to usher in the Geula Shelaima! בזכות נשים צדקניות נגאלו ישראל ממצרים ובזכותן עתידין להיגאל

And of course - I can't not mention מגלגלין זכות על ידי זכאי. It's simply a zechus to have taken part of this initiative! 

Keep up whatever you can do - Nashim Tzidanios! 

We will see the returns! We will see how our little part made all the difference! We will see!!

Simply humbled & proud of us all!


If anyone would like to see the original of this initiative and how it all began just a few days ago - please email me at

Thanks to Deena - who so graciously and perfectly translated the entire post to Hebrew so that our sisters in E"Y and other countries in which they do better in Hebrew can also participate! If you'd like the Hebrew version to forward to family/friends - please let me know as well.

Thank you

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