09 February 2021

Another Court Ruling in Favor of . . .

For the Second Time New York Doctors and Patients Needed to Go to Court to Access Ivermectin. The first incident, we covered in a News Roundup back on January 18th, it was about Judith Smentkiewicz an 80-year old woman who received the drug after her family took   to court over their decision to disallow the use of Ivermectin. New York Supreme Court Judge Henry J. Nowak aligned with the family and she was able to continue receiving her treatment and went on to recover. In this SECOND case Judge Frank Caruso also with the New York Supreme Court, Orleans County, has preliminarily ruled for plaintiff Robert Dickinson, who is a patient’s husband and a physician, in his legal quest for his wife to be allowed to use Ivermectin.

TrialSite News Original Articles from this story:


Dvorah Davida said...

I cannot find a place in my mind for a situation such as this. Having to go to court for the right to take a proven drug to heal you. I'm speechless.

Neshama said...

KnitOnePurlTwo: Slowly, our lives are not are own. This is what is coming in the “Great Reset” and the various “Agendas”.

moshe said...

Couldn't agree more, American Knitter. The world has become a dictatorship, unheard of before. You would think with such outright insane dictates that even those half asleep would see the truth of what is really going on; but, there are many who seem to agree with these insane dictates and find an excuse for everything. This cannot be reality but a horrific dream where the collective world finds itself in one big shared nightmare.

moshe said...

Sometimes the answers to things are simpler than we think. Just heard on a radio show, the guest said something very simple: The trouble many times is that people are either uninformed or have no interest or are afraid to speak up. If the majority would raise their voices against something which goes against normalcy, common sense, detrimental to physical and mental health, then those in power pushing to implement these unsavory and dictatorial decrees would not have enough power to implement their agendas. The reason for all that's happening is because of the apathy of the people! But, maybe it's this way because the Ribbono Shel Olam is waiting until the time is ready for HIM to handle it all by HIMSELF, as HE Promised HE WILL DO! May HE speed it up!

Neshama said...

Amen! Moshe

At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...