11 February 2021

A Very Sad Story . . .

 . . . but only ONE OF MANY THE SAME

Coronavirus vaccine deaths will be categorized as covid-19 deaths to keep the scam going

Most importantly, as people start dying from coronavirus vaccines, the medical establishment will categorize all those deaths as “covid-19 deaths” in order to claim the pandemic is getting worse.

This will create a whole new cycle of death, media hysteria and mandatory vaccine policies. Those, in turn, will kill even more people, feeding into the very same feedback loop that results in even more people being vaccinated and killed.

Ultimately, the vaccines themselves will likely end up killing more people than the coronavirus. And we will have achieved George Orwell’s authoritarian medical nightmare where the “treatment” keeps the pandemic going in perpetuity, all while the entire scamdemic is used to crush human freedom and enslave people in their own homes and apartments, all around the world.

This is what happens when you let Big Pharma collude with the deep state to crush human freedom and work toward their ultimately goal of mass genocide against the human race.


If you want to survive all this, resist the coronavirus vaccine at all costs. Resist vaccine violence with every means of self-defense you have available, or you will be killed.

(Check back later, we are adding a podcast and a flow diagram to this story…)

The AstraZeneca vaccine, by the way, is (purportedly) made with aborted human fetal cells from a 14-week-old male baby. So if you get injected with this vaccine, it’s medical cannibalism, and you’re supporting the baby body parts harvesting-for-profit industry (i.e. Planned Parenthood baby chop shops).

Dr Tenpenny explains so so so very much:


moshe said...

Yes, watched her video earlier; it's amazing how such evil is being allowed when she so clearly describes every detail of the horrors that take place and usually start after a few months or so. So those that are fine after the innoculation think they are out of the woods, but don't realize what awaits them, H' yerachem!. Question of why are people all of a sudden so naive, foolish, stupid or in a stupor that they don't realize the consequences almost immediately? Who would volunteer to take an injection without it ever having been tried and tested when so much info has come out by so many wonderful doctors and scientists? Are most asleep? PLEASE WAKE UP!

Neshama said...

Why are they so naive?? It’s because HaShem is working furiously in the background to get His children to see Him, to hear Him, and come home to HIM! Whenever things look so confusing, that’s the modus operandi!
So we should be comforted that we can recognize HIM.

Neshama said...

And Rabbi Kessin says HE is working HIS Operation Rescue now, like HE did in Mitzrayim

moshe said...


Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

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