17 February 2021


IN ISRAEL:  Use of desalinated water in Israel leads to Mg deficiency in drinking water. Household filtration of tap water worsens Mg deficiency. Tap water sources are: ground water, surface water and desalinated water. Strong daily changes in mineral content of tap water due to mixing of water sources

Study says vitamin-magnesium combo may reduce severity of COVID-19 in seniors

[…] A recent study published on the preprint server medRxiv* in May 2020 shows that a combination of the readily available and inexpensive vitamins D3, B12, and the mineral magnesium (“DMB”) can reduce the progression of the disease to severe or fatal stages. 

[…] The researchers found that only 3/17 patients in the study arm required supplemental oxygen, compared to 16/26 in the control group.

In both groups, the requirement for oxygen also signaled a high risk for ICU, with 2/3 in the DMB group and 16/16 in the non-DMB group requiring ICU admission. Of the 3 patients in the DMB group who deteriorated, one needed oxygen supplementation after 3 days on DMB but remained stable on the ward.

Of the 9 patients who received early DMB (in the first week of hospitalization), only one deteriorated, being among the 2, which required oxygen early (within 24 hours of starting DMB). These 2 are likely to have already gone downhill, judging from their rapid deterioration, and the DMB was probably too late to affect events either way.

The analysis showed that the odds of requiring oxygen went up with age and the presence of other illnesses, but went down significantly with DMB treatment, even after adjusting for age, gender, and other illnesses. The odds would have been even more impressive if the two patients who received DMB late in their clinical course were excluded. Importantly, there were no adverse effects that could be traced to DMB.

Journal reference:

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The COVID-19 pandemic: is there a role for magnesium? Hypotheses and perspectives.  More and more studies are accumulating about COVID-19. Some aspects of the pathogenesis of the disease recall events occurring in Mg deficiency, such as a drop of T cells, increased plasma concentration of inflammatory cytokines, and endothelial dysfunction. We hypothesize that a low Mg status, which is rather common, might foment the transition from mild to critical clinical manifestations of the disease. Epidemiological, clinical, and fundamental research is needed to clarify the potential role of Mg deficiency in COVID-19.

ELSIVIER:  Possibility of magnesium supplementation for supportive treatment in patients with COVID-19


Magnesium as an enzymatic activator is essential for various physiological functions such as cell cycle, metabolic regulation, muscle contraction, and vasomotor tone. A growing body of evidence supports that magnesium supplementation (mainly magnesium sulfate and magnesium oxide) prevents or treats various types of disorders or diseases related to respiratory system, reproductive system, nervous system, digestive system, and cardiovascular system as well as kidney injury, diabetes and cancer. The ongoing pandemic coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) characterized by respiratory tract symptoms with different degrees of important organ and tissue damages has attracted global attention. Particularly, effective drugs are still lacking in the COVID-19 therapy. In this review, we find and summarize the effectiveness of magnesium supplementation on the disorders or diseases, and provide a reference to the possibility of magnesium supplementation for supportive treatment in patients with COVID-19. Keywords: Magnesium supplementation, COVID-19, Supportive treatment


ל.ל. said...

moshe said...

Amazing how I just happened to buy magnesium today because I was out of it and now I read here how good it is even against this mageifa!
Thanks you for keeping us so updated with so much good information!
Yasher koach!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...