20 February 2021

Our Sages And Their Understanding of the Future

 Now I realize why our ancient Torah Sages did not want to be living in the era before Mashiach. 

The situation in the world today reminds me of the DOR HAFLAGA, when up was down, in was out, he was she, she was he, yours was mine, and mine was mine, and full of abomination. 

The solution to that generation was the Great Flood with Noah and his family surviving in the Teva.

That generation clearly describes the Leftist Generation of today that considers itself “Woke”. There is no rhyme or reason to their madness, and they are actually certifiably “insane” pushing for an “insane” society. They are replicating that generation, except for maybe their death wish upon all “Conservatives.”

I won’t go into all the “Woke" ideas and actions, except to say that no sane individual could survive in such a society. They mainly are ensconced in the Blue States in America, and any ‘normal’ Torah Jews living in those states will increasingly find their life being hindered by the insanity of the Leftists. There will be no way to avoid their insanity.

They are rabidly against anyone who does not obey their edicts, anyone who does not think like they think; and they want to eliminate anyone who voted for or who is in any way connected to the “former” president. And they keep upping their demands; no way out.

Living in a world full of tyranny 

Again I recall Rebbe Nachman’s “Tainted Wheat” but his survival mechanism will not work in our situation. Anyone who abides by their “Health Requirements” is doomed, sooner or later. 

And YES I have strong Emuna and Bitachon in HKB”H.   He is orchestrating an “insanity theatre” in front of our eyes for all to see, if one is awake (and not Woke).  “They” will end up eliminating themselves from this Earth. What a magnificent plan, they themselves will rid the Earth of undesirables. And this includes those insane “creators of schemes to control humanity."

Don’t comment that all we need is Emuna and Bitachon. This is patently clear to anyone who is connected to their Yiddishkeit and Torah true Judaism. 

But we have to live thru this insanity ... daily

An example of the insanity prevailing occurred recently. The “Health” Manipulators set up Chulent Pots to entice Hasidim to come get vaccinated and eat some chulent. And you know, there were over 1000 hasidim who were persuaded. Do you realize what transpired? 

Frumkeit is in trouble.

We independent thinkers mentally aware need to “go into our Teva (of Torah and conversation with Hashem every day) and wait out the flood of insanity.” 

We need to wait for our Mashiach to come and save the remnants that will still be alive.


Ms. AP said...

I agree with everything however, if one is able to do Aliya, Eretz Yisrael with all its challenges is still by far the best place to be. I am still planning my Aliya but trying hard to go high gear. It will not be perfect but it is where my Neshama longs to be asap. Ms.AP

Neshama said...

Ms AP, I hope the skies are open for you to be able to return home!
This may be contingent on having TWO “Passports”.
The world UN and WEF Agendas are progressing and we are in the next phase which is the enactment of the “Green Passport”.

moshe said...

Neshama, the way world is going, we need Moshiach tzdkeinu now more than ever! There's the worldwide prayer for Geulah today at 11am eastern standard time (east coast of U.S.).
Today,the whole world is in the same boat and it's sinking.
Moshiach is on his way! Amen!

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...