06 December 2020




Frum Woman WEARING MASK Thrown Off Delta Flight For “Davening” In Her Seat

“I was on Delta Flight 5610 from Chicago O’Hare to JFK Airport on Wednesday. I had my siddur open and was praying. The flight attendant, Erica Green, angrily pushed my siddur down and told me to pull up my mask to comply with guidelines. 

My mask was up but she walked away without allowing me to show her. I brushed it off assuming she didn’t see me correctly.

She came back with another flight attendant and they both got extremely angry at me. I was scared because I was doing nothing wrong. 

They knocked my siddur and told me I wasn’t being compliant, even though the other passengers could see I was fully compliant, and just praying. They said if I wasn’t going to be compliant, to tell them now. Some Frum men tried to help but the flight attendant did not allow them to speak.

When she finally stopped yelling at me I said “thank you for telling me, what’s your name?”

She swung around and a minute later the pilot announced we were turning the plane around to drop off a passenger who was non compliant. A woman named Kim Ford came on to the plane and told me that I was being non compliant and that if I did not get off the plane and continued speaking I would have a lifetime ban from flying Delta and security would drag take me off the plane. She said other passengers do not feel safe and the pilot did not feel comfortable having me on board. 

I was calm but scared, so I asked to speak with the pilot. She said I can speak with them when I get off the plane. Two pilots met me and I tried to explain that I was fully compliant and have witnesses. The flight attendant Erica Green cut me off and did not allow me to speak. 

I was crying and upset and the pilots seemed confused. Kim Ford said that if I calm down and don’t speak she would rebook me to NY on a different flight, but if I “keep this up” I would have a lifetime ban from Delta and be escorted out of the terminal.

I was holding my siddur the entire time.

As Kim took me back up the plane ramp the flight attendant Erica Green said “you and prayer book can get off”.

Source: YWN


elisheva said...

It's not a question of right or wrong any more, but of being smart and knowing which battles to fight. Jews in America need to be keeping a very, very low profile,"comply", apologise, whatever, and leave. This is not the time to be standing one's ground and explaining. It's not America, land of the free, any more, but AINO - America In Name Only.

With everything being a message from Hashem, think again about what EG said.

elisheva said...

This post made me think about the process in Nazi Germany. Whilst the stimulus for the perpetrators of other mass atrocities was often their basest instincts for violence, rape, etc, the Shoah was clinically calculated. The goal was not only the annihilation of the Jewish people, chalila, but the infliction of the maximum physical, mental and emotional pain. (Part of the reason the Germans lost WW2 was because their war against the Jews was just as, if not more important to them as that other war. They diverted resources needed to win the other war, just to murder Jews way past reproductive age. From their point of view it wasn't even logical, unless their goal was not just annihilation,but to demean and humiliate, which btw was how the Shoah started. In the early years of the camps (1930s, the punishments were "infantile" spanking grown men like a small child etc, and speaking to them like children (not condoning such treatment of children, but such was prevalent at the time.)

The idea put out there that the Nazis landed from outer space and hijacked the poor Germans is utter nonsense. Or as someone said, "it was that Austrian dictator who destroyed us". The truth is exactly the opposite. They appealed to the little hitler lurking in the German psyche. It just needed some permission to surface. And so here with these flight attendants, who having been given a little power, used it to demean and humiliate. If the flight attendant was really just doing her job, she wouldn't have thrown in her slur. Actions like these over time gradually erode a person's pyschological wellbeing.

"It can't happen here" has gone to "it can happen here" to "it is happening here". Not a prophet, but said this two years ago.

And people shouldn't make the mistake of thinking it's not that bad because in Nazi Germany, the treatment of Jews came directly from the top, whereas here it is from random citizens. In NG it also started with the citizens, who eventually put yemach shmo in charge. And six months before he came to power, President Von Hindenburg had been a big friend of the Jews, they even sent a delegation of rabbonim to seek his assurance, and Jews wrote to him personally asking the same, which he warmly gave. Six months later, he endorsed ysh in the elections.

Some Jews have seen the light, but many have not fully internalised the situation. It reminds me of the description in The Hare with the Amber Eyes, true story, of an immensely wealthy 70 year old Viennese Jew who was literally in a state of shock after the anschluss and anti-Jewish laws, and was unable to function. His psyche couldn't comprehend that his whole world had been turned upside down.

Neshama said...

What or who is EG? Sorry.

moshe said...

elisheva, now do you understand why the present president must be reinstalled for the next four years? The massive fraud perpetrated on the country was the biggest ever in US history. The US was the freest country on earth and slowly and now quickly the socialists are trying to shred the Constitution. 80% of the Americans voted for Trump; so it is an uphill battle but truth and righteous must and will prevail; Moshiach is coming and we pray it be b'rachamim for all bnai Yisrael and that is why when there are B'H so many Yehudim living in the galut of America that it will go much, much easier for the Yehudim with a leader who believes in the constitution of the U.S.
As far as Delta, it is incumbent upon every 'G-D fearing' Orthodox Yehudi to boycott this airline. Something is so wrong that this can be happening on an American airline. Maybe they have been bought off by foreign enemy country; these flight attendants must be sued to the hilt together with the airline. This happening on an American airline is frightening; the reason these evil forces are pushing their agenda so openly is because the 'media' is their Goebbel's propoganda! Therefore, 90% of the people have no clue these events are taking place because there is absolutely no media coverage on the 'Truth'. We are told by our Sages that truth will disappear at the end of days. We pray for rachamim m'Shamayim because the SOI is part of these globalist forces and have shut the doors to the Jews of the diaspora; this is unthinkable, unforgiveable and proves that the leadership are completely Erev Rav!
elisheva: You should concern yourself more about the dictatorial behavior in today's Eretz Yisrael, r'l. The world is in chaos, but truth, righteousness, the knowledge of H' & our Holy Torah must PREVAIL, otherwise, the world cannot continue. We are already in the war of Gog U'Magog. H' yerachem!

elisheva said...

erica green, the flight attendant

Neshama said...

Yes, she needs to be sued and brought to trial.

elisheva said...

The Pittsburg and the Vienna attacks both fell on the Hebrew anniversary of kristalnacht. I think that Hashem has made His position clear enough. No mental gymnastics required.

"must be reinstalled ...": this is not a Jewish fight. Hashem will decide who is the next president, and personally I am indifferent. (Heard recently in a shiur, forgot whose, that the Jews in Russia were punished for davening for the communists to beat the tsar, by the communists being even worse than him.) In any case it's irrelevant, who wins as one half of the country will not accept the other side winning, and the civil unrest will further deteriorate if not descend into outright civil war. Jews in galut should be putting all their energies and money into making aliya, not just personal but communal, not fighting irrelevant battles.

We all need to strengthen ourselves in emuna and bitachon and take some action, however small, towards our goal. The question is what is your ratzon, and where is your emuna that Hashem can make it happen?

elisheva said...

Suing is exhausting and time consuming, uncertain and a moneypit. Why not just use the money for your aliya?

elisheva said...

Israel Torah - Rabbi Nachman Kahana

"the hardest part is the decision".

I personally know a 19 yr old girl who was hospitalised, paralysed from the neck down. One day she decided she would walk again. The doctors were scathing .... B"D she is now happily married, (able-bodied).

Emuna and kviat haratzon and talking to Hashem and the hishtadlut that you can do ..... let Hashem decide the results. This applies to every step of the way, health, finances, getting the documentation you need, every step.

There isn't one person who can't do all of this. Unfortunately many do the opposite, decide the result, so don't bother with the rest.

Neshama said...

Ditto on this one too.

moshe has left a new comment on your post "“YOU AND YOUR PRAYER BOOK CAN GET OFF”":

Please elissheva, there are many, many wonderful Jews in the galut who would love to come up to EY to make aliya; but you know that even the 100,000 or so that joined up with Nefesh b'Nefesh are, in the meantime, going nowhere. The medinah is not the same as it was even ten years ago. As far as who should be the nasi in Artzot Habrit, there is no contest and you do not understand any of the politics going on there. H' hates fraud, theft, lies, etc also and there are no mental gymnastics going on. Jews are going about their daily routines, but we are of one mindset, we always root for the good guy, not the rasha! Simple as that. Right now, see what is going in Eretz Hakodesh. The whole world is in chaos and we know that H' is controlling everything but we have to be, no matter where the Yehudi is, on the right side of things! We have to continue with our ahavat Yisrael, davening, doing chesed & giving tzedaka and H' will fix everything.

elisheva said...

Part of the reason, it matters not a jot who wins, is because the other side will not accept it, the civil unrest is only going to deteriorate and the Jews will be blamed regardless. Also the country, courts, media, education etc is infested with Leftist rot, and elections will not change that. Support Trump if you wish, but don't make him out to be the great Jewish saviour. As already mentioned, at the time of the tsar, the Jews believed the communists to be the "good guys". Hashem is telling us don't put your trust in basar vedam.

I suggest that you follow Rav Brody, who gives excellent shiurim on what I call "applied emuna" for life in general and with respect to aliya. It's not enough to say Hashem runs the world, we have to live our lives as if we actually believe it. This includes being "unrealistic", being Nachon ben Aminadav, Bat Paroah, the Maccabeim, not letting the "reality" of this world limit our emuna in Hashem, and what He can do for us, not just in the big picture of the klal, but in all the details of our life.

Everything you say we should do, in any case. But not stop there. Many rabbis in Israel, whether natives, Anglo or French, and most of all Gadol Hador, have been calling for ALL Jews to come home asap. I am sure that they are quite aware of the circumstances around the world and in Israel.



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