29 December 2020

ALERT! Rav Kanievsky Reverses Advice (needs verification)

this is not verified, but if true is alarming and points to the deception foisted on the Rabbis



In the video the rabbi was asked if “it’s optional to [get the vaccination], or has to get it?” He replied saying that everyone must be vaccinated to stop the virus’ spread. Rabbi Kanievsky is the foremost arbiter of Jewish law (Halacha).

But Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak, another influential rabbi in Israel explains that after learning of the side effects, the legendary rabbi reversed course. Rabbi Yitzchak took to social media claiming that after that video surfaced, Rabbi Kanievsky made an entirely different decree. He recalled the story of a man who wanted to get vaccinated but his wife didn’t want him to.

“His wife then showed him (R. Kanievsky) 22 side effects of the vaccine” he said. “He let Rabbi Chaim read it and Rabbi Chaim told him not to get vaccinated.”

Rabbi Yitzchak claims that Rabbi Kanievsky’s assistants were the ones who said to get the shot but that the rabbi himself said the opposite. He adds that Rabbi Kanievsky did not know about the potential side effects when he was informed of the vaccine from his assistants.

Rabbi Yitzchak accuses his associates of changing the ruling over time saying that what they initially said was that “whoever wants it and can get it, should. Then it was whoever wants it and is ready. Then Rabbi Chaim said there is no more corona at all. Then they asked him if it’s obligatory or a commandment.”

Rabi Yitzchak then claims that Rabbi Kanievsky’s helpers took the inquisitive man, who recorded the dialogue, and locked him in a room demanding that he erase the audio clip of the rabbi’s new ruling. He added that he had to be escorted out of the rabbi’s house under a police escort. He then said that he was eventually coerced into erasing the recording claiming that it violated the rabbi’s privacy as it took place in the Kanievsky household. It should be noted that most encounters of this nature with the rabbi in his home are indeed recorded and even publicized on the internet without any complaints.

h/t SG and


moshe said...

Quite easy to believe what Rabbi Amnon Yitzchak is saying because it is no secret that many of these askanim are just money grabbers who are erev rav and what was said here in this post proves it. What surprises me is why the Rav doesn't see the evil in these men who are scam artists and are working for the authorities who are all in bed with ptb's globally. The Rav needs to be forewarned and have these conmen fired and barred from entering his home. I would suggest that the Rav has 24-hour protection. We have to cry out to H' as we did at yetziat Mitzrayim and beg H' to send Moshiach post haste!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

The Gadol is elderly and frail. He has already been ill with this thing. He relies 100% on what his gabbanim tell him. I don't believe they are fully informed either. They think that if everyone takes the jab everything will return to "normal" eg no limits in shul, no masks, social distancing and so forth. But this is a lie. WHO itself said that there is not enough evidence to know if those who get the jab will transmit the thing to others. In other words, nothing will return to "normal." I don't believe there is deliberate deceit, just ignorance of the facts.

Neshama said...הקלטה-דעת-תורה-של-מרן-שר-התורה-הגרח-קני/

הקלטה דעת תורה של מרן שר התורה הגר”ח קנייבסקי
שליט”א בענין חיסון קורונה: ההוראה : לא להתחסן!
בתחילת הסרטון יש עדות של יהודי שבא להתייעץ עם הרב קנייבסקי שליט”א אם להתחסן או לא.
ולקראת סוף הסרטון – הרב קנייבסקי עונה לשאלה של איש השואל על אשתו אם להתחסן או לא

Neshama said...

Visit the sod1820 to read and listen to the video to determine what is really being said.


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