28 December 2020

VIRUS Disambiguation


Spanish COVID Deaths Top 50K; UK's "Mutant" COVID Strain No More Deadly Than Regular Thing: Live Updates  zerohedge

[] the WHO just revealed that new data analysis suggests the "mutant" COVID strain causing all this trouble for the UK isn't any more deadly than any other strain. They also reiterated their guidance that being vaccinated doesn't mean somebody should stop wearing masks or social distancing. Why? Because there is "no evidence yet" that vaccines will prevent infections.If you feel stupid, or like you're somehow missing something here, just remember: it's because you don't have a PhD. (contd at link above)



I’ve laughed more over these than anything in the past 10 months:

I’m bored.  This has to be the most amazing super virus ever in the history of viruses in the entire viral universe.  It can pass through walls, flip from old people to young people on a whim, appear only after 10pm, be stopped by a folded over iron maiden t shirt.  But somehow, somehow, the science gods have conquered it using polyethylene glycol and soap powder inside of 6-9 months... or something.  I want off this farce of a merry go round

It also knows whether to infect you or not based on the political reason for any gathering you might attend.

Do you like your first tastes of Socialism and Communism?  It only gets better!

What would stop them from claiming it at this point?  I mean this **** has worked FANTASTIC.  Why not just keep doing it over and over and over?  I'm sure they know this and already have it in the plan.

I'm actually concerned that this fiasco is just a test-run for their "final solution". It's going really well for them too.

I will  repeat again: if the original strain has not been isolated, how do they know it is 70% more infectious? Where is the damn proof?

As I've stated from the beginning ... there will always be a new pandemic, a new lock-down, a new normal, a new forced DNA altering vaccine, a New World Order.

These lab-created strains will increase in lethality. Distributed by leaf-blowers, sprayers, drones, targeting populations of 'refuseniks' until the entire world is vaccinated, perhaps repeatedly to create a mutant, GMO humanity. 5G, 4th Industrial Revolution, AI, 'Great Reset", singularity ready.

Do your best to find the evidence of a new, more easily spread strain of SARS-CoV-2 and you will turn up nothing but "experts" turning a statistically questionable data point into "fact".  It is all just too dumb and obvious now. Folks, the beating will not stop until you make them stop.

Well, if you have the "evidence" of this new strain that supposedly popped up in September, just pass it on.  There are a thousand and one minor mutations to SARS-CoV-2 and no one can say, looking at any one of these variant genomes, that they are more or less transmittable. Yet they say this is special.  Why?  What proof?  'cuz they say so.

Most have no clue about viruses

That chart tells us how nuts it is for Government to make this claim that "a new super strain" exists. Exactly !!!

They mutate constantly !!!

I know of people who've had false positives, but no one who is actually sick with the covids - strange for a pandemic. Still no bodies in the street, calls to 'bring out your dead', people dropping to the ground or decimated homeless populations. Thanks be to our government overlords and their media without whom we wouldn't even know that we were in the middle of a 'deadly pandemic'. 

And yet still....

Homeless camps and slums all over America and the world with no masks, no social distancing, little hygiene, etc. Don't have bodies stacked like cordwood.

This one is tough for people to get. I learned the most about what you say from a vid by Dr. Kaufmann.

Looking forward to mandatory Haz-Mat suits, 50 foot distancing, no travel,…

Saw a guy in the grocery store wearing a hazmat suit last week - not kidding. Wanted to pull the hose off the back and blow in it.

We knew they were going to say that it “mutated”. This doesn’t end until we end it ourselves. Our leaders, on an unbelievably universal scale, have failed us. They really do appear to be in some kind of organization that we are all unaware of. Anybody financing this “reset” agenda, as well as anybody working in a bioweapons facility, needs to be located and shot on sight—along with their puppets in public “service”. Evil unchallenged only gets worse and worse. 

the vaccine was designed in January 2020

But perhaps most remarkably, BioNTech co-founder Ugur Sahin designed the vaccine in just a few hours in mid-January, according to The Journal, a podcast from Gimlet and The Wall Street Journal.

Travelers arriving in Mongo Ponga can leave quarantine after seven days at the earliest if they test negative for Covid-19 twice after arrival, can do 20 push-ups, recite the first 20 lines of the Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner, and do 50 jumping jacks, Mongo Health and Care Services Ministry says in a statement on the government’s website.

For added clarity, viruses cannot infect a person unless our viruses are able to inject their material into the cell membrane. The competing negative charges prevent that from happening.

The main drivers that lower the negative charge of the membrane are hydrogenated fats in the diet and electronics such as WiFi, 4G and 5G. Viruses have a positive tole to play. They eat dead cells. If they didn't do that we would stink and eventally die from the rot. When only a relatively few number of cells are dying, our immune cells prevent symptoms of a cold or flu. When too many cells are getting killed, as happens with 4G and 5G, etc. It puts you at risk because the immune cells can't keep up..

All this for a virus that is 99.95% survivable for anyone under 70.

Boy, that's one fast "mutation," isn't it?  I mean, the chicom bioweapon surely is producing that "long, dark winter," that Obiden was so happy about.  Keep in mind that viruses--normal viruses--always mutate.  When they do, they often mutate over time to become more infectious.  That's the goal, you see..spread more.  They also tend to become less deadly over the mutations because if a virus KILLS its host, it loses it's ability to replicate as efficiently and spread. Where's the real research on this "new strain?"  Hell, for that matter, where's the research on the OLD strain?  This smells like a psyop.

Covid21 will be the new and improved version, get it now. COVID-The Sequel:  Bigger, badder, deadlier. It will only kill the vaccinated.  For the rest of us, it will be an even bigger dud than the first one. 

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