03 December 2020

Critical Warning - Full of Current Events



 This is an example of what Rabbi Mizrachi cautioned his listeners about:

Large banner on the BQE at Bedford ave that reads: "Seize property, house the people"


elisheva said...

In the aftermath of Pittsburg, I commented that even if people can't make aliya straight away, they should at least sell their homes, live in rental accommodation and move their money to Israel. I asked what would you do if there were a mob baying outside your house, no police and no flights.

Both Pittsburg and the Vienna attack were on the Hebrew anniversary of Kristallnacht.

A few months ago already there was a video of a mob going from house to house demanding the owners give up their homes.

So what's an American Jew to do? Even if it's hard, do your utmost to make aliya. Yes, even now and now more than ever. One of the things you learn living in Israel is not to take no for an answer but to find a way. Ignore all the naysayers, including your own internal narrative. Be a positive thinker, talker and doer vis-a-vis your own life. (Positive thinking doesn't mean if I think positive it will all just go away.) Take whatever action you can, however small, and beg Hashem to help you, regardless of your current "impossible circumstances". Don't limit Hashem, whether the issue is health, parnsassa, family relations, etc etc.

As much as possible try to be a person of the klal, engage in zikui harabim, encourage others to make aliya, don't speak lashon hara about EY, meaning if it's true. Every Jew has their nachala in EY so there is without a doubt a place for you.

Oh and sell your home, pronto.

Neshama said...

I hope my readers appreciate the good advice and info you commented. Thank you.

What the Rabbi was explaining was that while an owner may be out of the house during the day or at night, they must leave lights on, radio blaring, and even a high quality alarm system, because if these HOME RAIDERS do is climb into your home and challenge your claim when you arrive with the police in order to enter your own home that now has squatters living inside. This is awful awful and awful. All the owner’s belongings and papers et al. are now in the hands of the SQUATTERS.

What do you think the message from HASHEM is in all this????

elisheva said...

Thank you Neshama. I've been listening to Rav Brody for about ten years, seeing the world through "emuna eyes" and have learnt a lot from him. At the time I hadn't realised that the Pittsburg attack fell on the Hebrew anniversary, but I felt that it was the turning point for American Jews. After the attack in Vienna this year, I looked up the dates for both on the Hebrew calendar. Generally, I don't feel qualified to interpret Hashem's messages for the klal, but in this case, isn't Hashem screaming out at us? And now people are being kicked out of their own homes, very symbolic.

I do listen to many of Rav Mizrachi's shiurim, but admit on this occasion, I commented without listening. In any case it's all much of the same, the idea that you can be dispossessed of your property by intimidation of one form or another. I don't know the law in America, but generally thought that squatters gain rights via adverse possession over a period of time, not by being an intruder.

I know that not everyone can just pick up for all sorts of reasons, but at the same time, many could if they were to make an effort. But regardless of one's circumstances, everyone who has their faculties can "likboa et haratzon", determine what their desire is, talk to Hashem, take even a small action, towards that. Even a Jew in prison can do this and make a list of steps, 1. be a model prisoner, 2. get time off for good behaviour, 3. get a passport, etc, etc and daven and work towards it. It saddens me to see the lack of emuna davka on geula sites, saying things like, it's too late for the Jews in the US, my situation is impossible, Israel (chalila) is worse, I love my galut, and so on. One blogger was very upset with me because I wrote that even if they couldn't make aliya, at least encourage others to do so. Sadly, if you are positive about making aliya, with suggestions that anyone can do regardless of circumstances you are called negative. It would be nice to have a campaign, "I tested positive for aliya".

Sorry this is long and rambling, it's hard to write in that box. Just wanted to mention something practical, regarding moving money to Israel, I'm obviously not taking any responsibility, but know someone who used a currency exchange transfer company. A lawyer told me that it is best to go through the bank as it is more secure, but for people who can't do that there is this option. The company used should be regulated in Israel.

Neshama said...

In response to the money issue, people are having difficulty getting large sums out of the US. One must ALREADY have a bank account in Israel, and if one lives overseas it is nearly impossible to open an Israeli bank acct. The laws are very restrictive and punitive. So one needs to look into this very thoroughly before trying to send your money to Israel.

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