07 December 2020

Stream of Consciousness: Have You Ever Thought of This?

This is going to be a stream of consciousness. I listened again to Rabbi Kessin in his explanations of the Era of Mashiach ben Yosef, Mashiach ben David, Techias HaMesim. Before MBD is the world as we know it. Then the end of this 6th millennium. 

He then goes on to describe and name the 7th 8th, 9th, and Olam Haba: The World to Come Forever. Some of this I had already learned, but some was newish and very interesting.

Before 6th ends: MBY.  Techias HaMeisim will be in the time of Mashiach ben David. All bodies must die and decompose, no tumah, and the Satan will be no more. All the Neshomos, the people, will have wings (and Rabbi Winston Shlita”a has spoken and written about this also), and leave the Earth and go to Gan Eden, which is really a Spiritual Dimension. A friend back in Boro Park used to call this the World of Neshomos (where they wait for Olam Habah). 

From 6th to 7th is described as Chad Chorev where the Earth is desolate, without life for purification. 

From 7th to 8th is called Olam HaBriah, the World of Formation. This was the world of Adam HaRishon before the sin. 

Then from 8th to 9th Olam Hatzilas, where the Malachim and Hashem, sort of, resides.

This is where is gets confusing between the 9th and 10th, or just after the 9th. Then he says The Tenth will be Holy. And from 9001 is Olam Habah onward and The World to Come Forever. [I learned that the world to come will actually be back on, a purified Earth.] 

* * *

That was the preface. With all of that swirling around in my mind, it makes what we are living through right now so unimportant. Because we, as The Children of G–D, have a far different destiny. Halavai I should make it to Gan Eden. I would love to see those ‘wings’, to be able to soar over and around our Third Beis. 

I hear the Rabbis speak of loving (or really valuing) anything other than Hashem as idolatry. 

So I must confess that I love this world, no not the goings on of the people, not the things that fill our day to day lives, but the earth, the trees, the birds, the animals, the stones of Yerushalayim, the Kotel, the Holy graves of our past Holy Yidden, the sky and the clouds, the smell of the air after a rainfall, all of this is what G–D Created during the first six days of our earth. Will we ever see this again in Olam Haba?

So, I ask all of you that read this, “have you ever thought about this?” Can you even imagine yourself really, really being around for Mashiach ben David, to witness the miracles and techias hameisim, and even see Moshe Rabbeinu, Aaron HaKohen, Rachel Imeinu, Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, and our beloved Yosef? Will you be shocked into silence? Can you even think about what you would say to them? What you would ask them?

Have You Ever Thought of This?


ל.ל. said...

Do not worry, we will come back at year 7000. It will be much better, trust Hashem...

moshe said...

First, am always thinking about all this. Am sure also you have a big portion in Gan Eden. The truth every 'Jewish neshamah' has a portion in Olam Habah. From what I have read and understood, the Lubavitcher Rebbe said that we will have our physical bodies in the new world (Olam Habah) but be on a very spiritual level. Also, we must remember everyone (including the Rabbanim) have different interpretations, as we all have our own imaginations and since we do not have the exact and clear description of everything, we all think in our own minds how it will be. H' is all GOOD and HE will see to it that we all have the best of how we imagine. May our Geulah come speedily b'rachamim and may we, with our own eyes, merit to greet Moshiach tzdkeinu. Also, may we greet our ancestors, forefathers/foremothers, etc. and our loved ones On High with tears of utter and unimaginable JOY! Amen!

Gavriela Dvorah said...

You are correct and amein v'amein.

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