06 December 2020

Is This a Good Thing or Not??

If the VACCINE is supposed to help prevent someone from catching this VIRUS that should be a good thing for those who take vaccines. However, it has been posted that this version of the VACCINE only reduces symptoms. Most people who have the virus hardly have any symptoms.

If this is such a good thing, why this all this necessary?

Story at-a-glance 

  • British and American intelligence agencies are collaborating to eliminate “anti-vaccine propaganda” from public discussion using sophisticated cyberwarfare tools.
  • According to Imran Ahmed, chief executive of the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, anti-vaxxers are “an extremist group that pose a national security risk,” because “once someone has been exposed to one type of conspiracy it’s easy to lead them down a path where they embrace more radical world views that can lead to violent extremism.”
  • In September, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) seized 92 online domains suspected of belonging to Iraqi government-backed militia. Seizures were done in collaboration with the FBI, Google, Facebook and Twitter.
  • In November, the DOJ seized 27 online domains — including the American Herald Tribune — suspected of being founded by Iranian interests.
  • Among the websites cited by the Centre for Countering Digital Hate as promoting extremism that poses a national security risk to the U.K. are, Children’s Health Defense, the Informed Consent Action Network, the Organic Consumers Association and the National Vaccine Information Center.

Is It Ethical to Mandate a Vaccine That Promises Only to Suppress Symptoms?

To read about this and more:

1 comment:

moshe said...

answer to your last question (sentence): of course, it is unethical, illegal, unconstitutional (in US constitution) and is a purely evil mandate (shelo neida). There are so many studies and questions that need to be answered first in regard to any vaccine, let alone, something that has never been tested for a number of years. The long term effects are most important and too much information showing that there very well might be sinister ingredients and materials in it.
No one has the right, not by the Laws of G-D, and by the laws of man to inject something into another human being without his/her consent! Duh!

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