21 December 2020

יובל עובדיה - לגבי רופאים ורבנים -- קורונה וחיסונים


Neshama said...

Elisheva? A synopsis please?

elisheva said...

Rav Yuval is answering questions from some of his listeners regarding negative talk about the Ministry of Health and doctors etc. On the one hand doctors have permission to heal, rapo yerapeh, and we're supposed to take advice from them. On the other hand, chazal also spoke strongly against doctors. Of course there are good doctors, but especially in the last twenty years, the field of medicine is very much commercialised, and there is pressure on doctors to use certain drugs etc and often have a conflict of interest. It's a form of bribery, so we have to listen to their advice, with caution. And the whole system is controlled by the WHO, "hablof haolami". (blof = deception). Eg. one of the most successful Israeli companies is Teva, a pharmaceutical co. He gives examples of actually killing people with drugs. Nonetheless there are doctors who are saying that all the decisions about corona are politically based, not medically. The whole system is based on money, control etc, so how can we rely on them? Only an idiot would. Even the whole system is run by the mafia. He recommends going to alternative doctors. Regarding the psakim from rabbonim, they believe the Ministry of Health officials, don't have the other side of the story and don't realise they are being deceived. Anyone who is against all of this is smeared, called an idiot, conspiracy theorist, etc. And everyone is being brainwashed by the media campaign, that has never been seen like this before. And no, rabbonim don't know everything, and are also fooled. Even Achiya Shiloni who Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai wanted to xxx him, didn't catch the word, one of the biggest gedolei hador ever, was deceived by Yerovam ben Nevat, and that lead to churban habayit etc, so too the rabbonim in our generation, it doesn't reduce their stature, but they too can be deceived. Sometimes, Hashem gives power to the sitra acha to bring down the biggest tsadikim. .... So we can't rely on health officials with closed eyes, especially if they have a conflict of interest, without checking. At least they should have to declare their conflict of interest.

elisheva said...

I typed a rough translation as I was listening. Don't know why my comment doesn't show. The short version is that the rav has received qs about who to listen to regarding doctors, rabbanim, vaccine etc. He says that the medicine of today is a big business, mafia even, and whilst there are doctors who are genuine, they are subject to immense pressure from the authorities, drug companies. Also rabbanim are only given one side of the picture so they don't have all the facts, and that even a huge gadol Achiya Shiloni was deceived by Yerovam ben Navat (i think) leading to churban habayit, galut etc so basically no-one is infallible, and this doesn't reduce the stature of our rabbanim.

Neshama said...

Elisheva, your email was sent to “junk” and I apologize that I don’t check this more often.

Neshama said...

Found the other one. Thank you so very much. He was very cautionary. Actually it’s not Maphia, it’s loosaphariens. Hope you catch my drift. They have been fighting against G–d for many many years whatever it is take nooooooo Vs.
we must all protect our lives against physical and mental invasion, increase our Emunas HaShem.
AND wait for the great spiritual showdown mirrored by a world eruption.

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