21 April 2020

80 Year Old Given HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE Recovers from COVID-19

The fact that not more doctors are prescribing Hydroxychloroquine to ANYONE who describes symptoms of COVID-19 is short of malfeasance רשלנות (and should be liable for anyone with COVID-19 who passes away after asking to be treated with HCQ).

"Teen Challenge" Co-Founder Given Hydroxychloroquine, 
Recovers from COVID-19 at 80-Years-Old

That the medical profession is derelict in the obvious effects of this inexpensive treatment to save lives is astounding. "Clinical trials” for proven treatment is “time-wasting” and falls under the CDC inimical “philosophy of prolonging”.

HCQ used by millions of people for 50+ years some every day of their life. Used in South Korea, China, France and many other countries around the world. It's a dirt-cheap generic so Big Pharma hates it. Democrats hate it because Trump is pushing it. Started testing HCQ in March and watch as testing drags on through April, May, June and beyond. Saving lives is NOT always the number one priority for many people...How many Lupus patients have come down with COVID-19..have you heard of any? Have you heard of major COVID-19 outbreaks in parts of the world that also have a problem with Malaria? These would be people and areas of the world that use HCQ all the time for many years...

1 comment:

moshe said...

Everyone with some common sense knows that this was the perfect and proper treatment for this from the start. But, it's being exposed daily that there are powers that didn't want 'healing', but, r'l, the reverse, c'v. The world is in turmoil and now b'keitz hayamim, we have a milchamah neged H'! Moshiach should be here soon & hopefully, we don't have to wait much longer. In the meantime, a 'refuah shleimah' l'cholei Yisrael.

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