19 April 2020

When Too Much, is Lethal

Police use stun grenades in Meah She’arim
arutzsheva:  MK Yaakov Tessler (UTJ) demanded that the police be brought to account for the throwing of a stun grenade directly at bystanders, resulting in the girl's injury.

"It is horrifying to see such violence on the part of police," he said. "This is a very disturbing incident involving disproportionate use of violence by police, in a crowded neighborhood against innocent bystanders. There is no justification for people who disturb the public order, but police are expected to act with restraint, intelligence, and with great caution especially when in close quarters."

"Such police behavior results in ... a total lack of trust in the police among the haredi population," he added. "I call for the police to be brought to account for their behavior in these criminal acts, and for this grave incident to be thoroughly investigated."

Police respond to stun grenade injuries in Meah Shearim
Police have responded to harsh criticism of their conduct in quelling a protest in Meah Shearim yesterday, during which large numbers of police were deployed and stun grenades were used in a crowded environment. Video footage shows a grenade being cast directly at a young girl, uninvolved in the incident, and she and her mother sustained injuries. Police said they did not notice the presence of mother and child
No Excuse! Because they “did not notice” 
they should be relieved of duty, – they are responsible when 
a “weapon is in hand”.

HM Litzman: Police use of stun grenades illegal
Responding to yesterday's violence in Meah Shearim, Health Minister Yaakov Litzman said that police acted "illegally" when they used stun grenades in crowded conditions. A woman and a young girl were injured.

'It felt like my head was on fire' relates nine-year-old girl
Zissy Margulies, the nine-year-old girl who was injured by a stun grenade yesterday in Meah She'arim, has described how she "felt like my head was on fire."

Her father said that she was traumatized and unable to sleep the entire night due to the pain of her injuries. "She went to shop for Shabbat, and suddenly police arrived and threw stun grenades. Suddenly she found herself in a cloud of smoke and she ran for her life," he related.

Commander: 'Police feared for their lives, used reasonable force'
Police Commander Ofer Shomer has responded to allegations that police used a disproportionate amount of force yesterday in Meah She'arim, in the course of which an 8-year-old girl was injured by a stun grenade. "The grenade wasn't directly thrown at the girl," Shomer said, adding that "police used a reasonable amount of force," and that "police feared for their lives" and acted accordingly

MK Eichler: 'This violence is the result of anti-haredi incitement'
MK Yisrael Eichler (UTJ) has harshly condemned police for their use of stun grenades yesterday in Meah She'arim, which resulted in a nine-year-old girl being injured.

"This is the result of media incitement," he said, adding that he had already warned many times in recent weeks that the incitement and "blood libels" against the haredi community for being "spreaders of virus" could end in actual violence.

"This wouldn't have happened in any other community," he added. "Leftists demonstrate in Tel Aviv and the police protect their right to do so. But in Meah She'arim, police use violence against people who were praying. If this happened to any other sector in society, there would be open rebellion.”

MK Karhi: 'Everyone does as he pleases when it comes to haredim'
MK Shlomo Karhi (Likud) has responded to the violence yesterday in Meah She'arim.

"Police are doing a difficult and important job these days, and I applaud them. All the same, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that 'everyone does as he pleases' when it comes to haredim. There have to be explanations given and clear procedures to be followed, especially in the current situation ... Lessons have to be learned and those deserving of punishment should be punished. I wish a speedy recovery to Zissy," he added.

Most of the above is from ArutzSheva News Briefs


moshe said...

Have the same old question: Are these police Jews? Doubt it very much. They're probably using arab police, r'l. Is this why we came home as a nation yearning for over 2000 years? Wonder how this is being taken up in Shamayim? We know the answer. This whole thing (makah, mageifah, dever, whatever) is a horror show. We need to pray that H' takes it away already and sends a refuah shleimah to all who need it and H' takes over! H', al te'acher!

Neshama said...

Moshe, thank you for commenting. I do not believe Hashem is done with us and we must be very careful in what we do and what we think. We need to think of Hashem multiple times during the (Jewish) day (24 hrs) and ask of Him to enlighten us, each of us individually. Hashem send the makka and Hashem heals us. Only Hashem.

Mishpatim: “And they ate and drank”

(Exodus 24:11)   Shevat 23, 5785/February 21, 2025 Following the grandeur of the Mount Sinai theophany and the dramatic receiving of the Ten...