22 April 2020

Police at it Again . . . Jump On Recovered Toldos Aharon COVID-19 Patient

It’s absolutely crazy what’s going on here.”

R’ Eliezer Samet, a Toldos Aharon chassid, who recovered from the coronavirus and tested negative twice for the virus, was suddenly pounced on by two police officers and arrested on Rechov Malchei Yisrael in Geulah on Tuesday morning on the mistaken assumption that he was an active coronavirus patient who was supposed to be in quarantine.

Samet was one of the first people in Jerusalem who was diagnosed with the virus and has fully recovered. He was walking on Malchei Yisrael on Tuesday with his wife on his way to visit his father.

According to a report by B’Chadrei Chareidim, the police ignored R’ Samet when he explained that he had already recovered. R’ Samet then said: “If you’re going to arrest me, at least do it quietly. Don’t humiliate me on the street. Let’s go to the side.” But the policemen insisted on arresting him in the middle of the street. Only after much effort and the intervention of askanaim were he and his wife released.

His family members are furious, telling B’Chadrei: “They were even already called this week to donate blood at Hadassah Ein Kerem [for the antibodies in the plasma to be used to treat coronavirus patients.] What’s happening here is that the right hand isn’t aware of what the left hand is doing – an outrageous lack of coordination.”

“What’s happening here is that people don’t want to be tested due to this.” [Because if they test positive for the virus they will be tracked by the police and can be fined NIS 5,000 if found outside before they receive two negative tests for the virus. The tests are often delayed and the process can take weeks. R’ Samat was unfortunately not the first person that the police mistakenly believed was violating quarantine].

“And even when he was detained at the police station, they called him to ask when he’s coming to donate blood for the antibodies. It’s absolutely crazy what’s going on here.”


1 comment:

moshe said...

One does not have to be a genius to see what's going on.
This is literally a milchamah neged the dati'im and, specifically, the chareidim. We need to daven very hard for Moshiach to come Immediately.

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