14 April 2020

Today’s News Briefs From ArutzSheva

If This is Happening in Eretz Yisrael, What Do You Think Will Happen When there are No More Lockdowns and Food Becomes Scarce in America? Who Will Become Their Scapegoats?

Police: Neighbors complained about the noise
Responding to allegations that they acted in an excessively heavy-handed manner when they broke into a private apartment and stopped three singers from broadcasting a musical Hallel (thanksgiving prayer), police stated that they intervened due to the complaints of residents at the "loud noise.”

MK Malchieli: Police acted as if they were busting a drug ring
MK Michael Malchieli (Shas) responded to the incident early today in Bnei Brak, in which the home of renowned chassidic singer Ruli Dickman was broken into and the prayers being held there ordered to stop. "It is very distressing to see such scenes of a large number of police breaking into a home as if they were busting an illegal drug ring. We're talking about three people who were following the guidelines of the Health Ministry and only wanted to bring some festival joy to others," he said.

Dep. Bnei Brak mayor: Police acted out of all proportion

MK Tessler: Haredim being treated as lepers
MK Yaakov Tessler (UTJ) accuses the government of gross insensitivity in the way it has approached the coronavirus crisis vis-a-vis the haredi community.
He highlighted the discrimination inherent in the way the government is enforcing the lockdown, focusing on haredi areas and ignoring flagrant violations of the regulations in secular areas that have attracted little to no media or police attention.
He added that haredim are already suffering from the public's animosity to them, being told to wait outside hospital wards and prohibited from entering bank branches, due solely to their haredi appearance.

MK Asher: Police should use their heads before using force
MK Yaakov Asher (UTJ) addressed Minister of Internal Security, Gilad Erdan, regarding the incident this morning in Bnei Brak in which a musical Hallel prayer was stopped after a large number of police broke into a private apartment.

"At a time when Bnei Brak residents are confined to their homes, there should be heightened sensitivity while enforcing the regulations," he said. "Before using force, police should use their heads.”

Minister Erdan: Police will investigate Bnei Brak incident
Internal Security Minister Gilad Erdan has said that he will make sure that the incident in Bnei Brak, where the home of renowned chassidic singer Ruly Dickman was broken into and prayers stopped there, will be investigated.

"I have received dozens of requests for clarification on this matter," he said. "I have ordered the Police to look into the matter and the results of their investigations will be publicized. I request of the public to remember that Police are currently operating under tremendous pressure and must deal with many thousands of incidents related to enforcement of the lockdown, in order to protect public health

... Before jumping to conclusions, we should verify the events. Of course mistakes can occur as well as improper conduct [of police]," he said, adding that people should "count to ten before exploding.”

Mr Erdan: Working under extreme pressure is no defense for antisemitic aggressive abusive and violent treatment of Haredim

When right is left and left is antisemitic

So why are the leftists allowed to demonstrate all over Israel at anybody’s home that they oppose politically??

1 comment:

moshe said...

Isn't it obvious already to any even semi intelligent person that there is discrimination against Torah Jews, in general! Of all places, in our own Land!
These are not Jews, these police are either mercenaries, arabs or just plain old erev rav amaleikim.

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