02 April 2020

Soldiers in Uniform to Evacuate Zeidi and Bubbe . . .

IDF Unit Preparing To Enforce Bnei Brak Closure, 4,500 Elderly (80 yrs and over) Bnei Brak Residents To Be Evacuated To Hotels

Imagine “Soldiers in uniform” coming to take Zeidi and Bubbe away?
Did these neshomas survive WWII? 
Will they survive this?

In order to protect elderly Bnei Brak residents from the coronavirus, all residents above the age of 80 will be transferred to hotels [Corona Hotels], which will be managed by the IDF’s Home Front Command.

The plan was formulated by Defense Minister Naftali Bennett and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri who are leading the efforts to combat the spread of the coronavirus in the city. According to estimates, about 4,500 Bnei Brak residents are over age 80.

The plan will cost about NIS 75 million, and the Finance Ministry is transferring the funds to the Defense Ministry.

Bnei Brak residents between the ages of 60 -80 will be required to remain at home.

The IDF Paratroopers Brigade Reserve Division, Division 98, will assume responsibility for enforcing a closure of Bnei Brak. The unit has begun preparing to carry out the closure of the city, in which about 100 IDF soldiers will take part in several shifts.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is currently discussing the approval of regulations to enforce a lockdown of the city. According to drafts of the regulations, the state will be able to force those who require quarantine to be transferred to “coronavirus hotels.” Those who refuse could be fined or even receive a prison sentence of up to half a year.

Source: YWN

1 comment:

moshe said...

This is pure draconian behavior. To read these things and know this is happening in Eretz HaKodesh under 'jewish' government, is sickening. If someone had any doubt whether they're Erev Rav, well, there's your proof. Notice how they're doing this to the real Jews in 'Bnai Brak', doesn't that say it all. H' yerachem, please send our Goel now!
I think the whole Orthodox world from the 4 corners should say Tehilim with all the kavanah we have to annul these evil decrees. H' needs to hear our most heartfelt prayers so He will answer us in a blink of an eye. H', Al t'acher!