27 April 2017

Nisan Bids Farewell to Nisson

Chodesh Nisan Bids Farewell to Nisson, Rabbi Nisson Wolpin zt”l

One who sees the future is haRoeh es haNolad*
One who brings to life the past is a Jewish observer

And so Rabbi Nisson Wolpin zt”l brought to life past Rabbonim, as well as crucial issues of the day in the pages of the Jewish Observer publication, which flourished and became the voice of Orthodox Jewish life under his insightful and skilled pen.

Back in the 80’s life was very different. For me, I was single and after being bounced from jobs whose employers didn’t take to leaving Fridays early, I landed a choice position as Secretary to Rabbi Nisson Wolpin, Editor of the Jewish Observer. There it was that I would read (and decipher) his handwriting in draft after revision. And many a time (at his desk deep in thought to) yet another reshaping – to bring every word into its fullest and relevant respectful meaning. This was indeed the craft of a purposeful thinker and writer. Many of the important issues of the day were delved into and crafted into article after article from his office. Indeed it was an exciting time. 

In the month of Av in the year 2010 my husband and I made Aliya to Eretz Yisrael, finally a dream come true for me. Also in that same year, 2010, Rabbi Wolpin and his wife, ybl”ch Devorah, finally came to Eretz Yisrael, where Rabbi Wolpin was able to fulfill his dream of Learning in the Great Yeshiva a/k/a Eretz Yisrael, following in the footsteps of many sages who lived and are now resting in the holiness of the soil.

In his last days, Rabbi Wolpin was hospitalized and comforted by his family and close friends. The Rabbi, thinker and writer, was niftar late Monday night, 29 Nisan.

I’m sure that Rabbi Wolpin was greeted in the great Repository of Scripture by all the Rabbonim that he brought to life with his skilled pen in the pages of the Jewish Observer – Nisson from Nisan to the Great Yeshiva shel Mallah. 

Yehi zichro baruch

HaRoeh Es HaNolad - "Who is wise: One who sees that which is to be born”  (Avot: 2:9 - Ethics of Fathers)

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