01 August 2024

Rabbi Weissman: When Soldiers Are Sent Into Death Traps

 How can we influence lots of people and ultimately change the world?  
A practical and inspirational lesson.

What's the real reason why Israel is pursued like no other nation?

What trap did two and a half tribes fall into that so many galus Jews continue to fall into today?

What did Jewish soldiers do in the times of King David after one of them was led into a pretextual death trap?

Far be it from me to tell anyone what to do, but it's definitely food for thought.

*   *   *
The Nazis would have been much more successful if they spoke Hebrew and dressed like Jews.

*   *   *
Jews, please behave yourselves.  The state does not allow you to storm IDF bases. You're not the CIA, Mossad, or Hamas.  Know your place.

*   *   *
Every time there's a "war" the "pandemics" die down.  Never fails.

Every time the controlled media pivots to the next exciting act in the production, everyone forgets the last one.  Even “awake” people forget what they learned and take the bait again.  Never fails.  

Except for the guy I saw yesterday with a mask on his chin.  He can multitask.  

Don't make fun of his multiple layers of insanity.  

Unlike so many of us, at least he's consistent.


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