06 August 2024

Rabbi Weissman: Ben-Gvir Does the Walk of Shame and Drives Away on Shabbos ... and much more

 Ben-Gvir Does the Walk of Shame and Drives Away on Shabbos

Itamar Ben-Gvir, another fake messiah who works for them, not for you, paid a surprise visit to Ein HaHoresh, and was promptly thrown out by the residents. The videos on the Mockingbird Media show the residents telling him to “go home”, but they forgot to include one in which they jeeringly referred to Ben-Gvir as a Shabak agent, while he pretended to enjoy it and did a walk of shame (credit:

For legal reasons I will clearly state that I have no actual evidence that Ben-Gvir is a Shabak agent, nor am I accusing him of being one. However, considering how he's performed over the years, he'd be stupid not to get paid for it. Much of his base is starting to realize what a phony he is, though I suppose foolish American Jews, washed out Kahanist hippies, and people who hang on Pollard's every word (but I repeat myself) will be the last to realize it.

Oh, after he was booted out, he drove away with his entourage. While it was still Shabbos.

Pikuach nefesh, surely...

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Speaking of Ben Gvir, I was at a protest against the pervert parade in Jerusalem a few years ago when Ben Gvir showed up with his entourage.  I saw with my own eyes as he stepped off the curb into the street where we were gathered in a show of blocking traffic (there was none).  

The police took hold of him, there was a huge commotion from those near him, and he started kicking the air wildly while his face turned red.  Then they put him down and let him go, and it was all over in a few seconds, as if nothing had happened. 

It was a staged arrest for the media and the script.  Everyone was playing their part.  But you wouldn't know it if you weren't there.  You might not even realize it if you WERE there.  After all, they couldn't all be in on it....right?

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Speaking of pikuach nefesh, the Chief Erev Rav drek put out this "ruling" before Shabbos:

As always, they DESPERATELY want people to spend Shabbos in fear, ideally to violate it, and to torpedo public prayer.  The Erev Rav and Amalek always attack us spiritually to make us more vulnerable physically.

Funny how we never hear them calling for every Jew to go to shul and keep Shabbos. 

Let them rot.

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Still waiting to see one video of Iron Dome blowing up anything but itself.  If you want to believe it's blowing up invisible rockets, drink some more Kool-Aid, sit in your "safe room", and wait for instructions from the Home Front Command.  This is ridiculous.

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I'll make it easy for you.

The government is your enemy.  Left, right, and everything in between.  Even “religious” parties.

The media is your enemy. Left, right, and everything in between.  Even “religious” media.

The police are your enemies.

The military is your enemy.

The intelligence agencies are your enemies.

The legal system is your enemy.

The healthcare system is your enemy.

The education system is your enemy.

The entertainment industry is your enemy.

Technology companies are your enemies.

The regulatory agencies are your enemies.

The surveillance system is your enemy.

The financial system is your enemy.

The cartels are your enemies.

Social media is your enemy.

Paid influencers are your enemies.  Even if they look and sound like you.  ESPECIALLY if they look and sound like you.

Rabbis who work for the state and serve its agenda are your enemies.  There are no exceptions.

The little bit of good in your enemies does not redeem them or make them your friends.  On the contrary, the little bit of good only helps your enemies seduce you into their traps.

Yes, you have a lot of enemies.  

Do not take out your frustrations on your friends, or people who should be your friends.  That's what your enemies want you to do.  It helps them control you and destroy you.

You cannot possibly overcome all these enemies.  Only God can do that for you.  And He WILL — if you put your faith in Him and only Him.

He WILL, if you stop supporting your enemies, and instead support each other.

I hope this makes it clear.
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“How can it be that your brothers go to war and you remain here?”

So now Arutz Sheva is honoring a soldier killed in a pretextual war by publishing his warped reading of the Torah and subsequent conclusion that people who don't sign up to be cannon fodder aren't "mentsches".  Yeah, great advertisement for the IDF.  I feel so guilty now.  Where do I join?

1 comment:

AK said...

Totally agree, Ben-Gvir is a total fraud. Society is still drinking the cool aid.

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