11 August 2024

Moshe Feiglin — A Warning to Khamenei (ivrit & Farsi)

It seems Khmenei is also threatening the U.S.(Big Satan) as well as Israel (Small Satan): "A senior member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team issued a stark warning on Wednesday, vowing to “wipe out” every American military base in the Middle East if the United States joins Israel in an attack on Iran. […]”


THANK YOU VICTORIA:  a video by Moshe Feiglin: addressed to Ali Khamenei Yimakh shemo "the Day of Judgment has arrived". Brilliant video, Kol Hakavod to Moshe !!!
The video is in Hebrew, but it has subtitles in English and Parsi. 11 min long.
He touches on 3 points /revelations
"Our shared story of Israel and Iran did not start recently, but more than 2500 years ago. Hashem let Iran inherit Babylonian empire in order for king Cyrus to redeem Jewish people, return them to Jerusalem and build the second Temple, instead of the first Temple that was destroyed by Babylon. If it would not be for Jews, Hashem would not given you your Persian Empire, that you are so proud about"
"Your national identity based not only on your nationalism, but also on your religion islam. The second revelation Khamenei is not only your national identity depends on us, but also the roots of your religion are also based on religion of Am Israel"
"The third revelation Khamenei is about modern era. As it was promised in Torah, after 2000 years Am Israel returned to our land and established Medinat Israel. One of our bitter enemies was ruler of Iraq. In 1981 Israel destroyed his nuclear reactor. At that time you and Iraq were fighting a horrible war. Did you think Khamenei what would have happened if Israel would not have destroyed their nuclear reactor ? Who would he use his nuclear bomb against us or against you, his sworn enemy, who was fighting a war with Iraq ? So why Khamenei, why do you want to destroy the nation to which you owe your physical, national and religious existence".,,,, The answer is in the video.
Shavua Tov


Neshama said...

Could it be that Iran is waiting to finish their nuke arsenal?? Before attacking??

Anonymous said...

Moshe Feiglin interview with BBC 5 months ago. Great interview !
EMET - TRUTH is the best WEAPON . Why Bibi and his ilk do not speak this way ? Because they themselves are afraid of EMET ?


Anonymous said...

What Moshe Feiglin did with his fantastic video & with his interview on the BBC is what every single minister in the Knesset and, of course, prime minister should have said from the start.
Hashem Bless Moshe for the 100% truths he brought out, his passion
and love of Am Yisrael, Torat Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael because he accomplished what no other in the position of power had the courage and duty to do. Because they have all proven to be or act like the Erev Rav.
Well, here we see a True Jew, Moshe Feiglin, a Jew with courage
and faith & emunah/bitachon in HKB'H, G-D of Creation, our Father in Heaven.
For this alone, we the Jewish people, are obliged to thank him and

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