12 August 2024

MAKE IT MAKE SENSE .....Preventing Haredi Mothers from Working to feed Haredi Toddlers

 more anti–Haredi decrees

AG Terminates Daycare for Haredi Families with Draft Dodgers

Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara. 
Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara on Sunday ruled that the state must stop funding daycare centers for the toddlers of Haredi families where the father has failed to enlist in the IDF. ......More about this evil AG here:

Footnote"An AG has pity for hapless Nukhba terrorists and is cruel to Jewish toddlers. Let it sink in for a moment. This is Sodom!  [David Israel, JPress]

Out of context statement: “ the most abusive AG in the history of Israel, who was gifted to (BB) him by the man who hates him with a vengeance, MK Gideon Saar (New Hope).

UTJ Head Moshe Gafni On Attorney-General: “Unparalleled Wickedness”

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