05 August 2024

Hagai's Project August 8 at 7PM


He is my brother We don't resemble each other in opinions or lifestyles, but at 100 intersections in Israel this coming Thursday, we are going to show that we are brothers. Read on

Itamar Dror studied at the Open University and lectures on body language and public speaking at Kerem. He lives in Dimona. The sweet-faced young man in this photo is my brother He fell in Khan Yunis several months ago True, we don’t resemble one another 

 He has a beard and sidelocks and lived in Yitzhar, in Samaria 

 I don’t wear a kippah and live in Dimona, in the Negev 

 But we are brothers. 

 Before every Shabbat, there were special phone calls Not “What’s new?” “Fine.” “Okay, Shabbat Shalom.” But “My brother, tell me a Torah thought – a Hassidic one.” And he would. And I tell you, it was just so sweet. After that we would talk, ask about each other’s lives Our lives were different. So very different. I am practical, go from project to project, can’t sit still And he was relaxed, calm, so his name is “tranquil” on my phone 

We didn’t even talk the same way. 
He with his quotes from the Baal Shem Tov, Rabbi Nachman and the Talmud Words of truth, exact and measured, mystic connotations 

And I – army slang mixed with Israelisms of the moment. He never left the Land of Israel And I am writing this from some village in Greece. But we are brothers, that’s how it is And I miss his hug so very much. Just one more hug… 

 He was a Torah scholar but built like a farmer. Muscled and strong, easy to lean on 

 Why am I writing this now, you ask? Because I thought that after he and so many others like him died because they understood that we are all brothers, 

 That we would also understand, remember and recall 

 But I feel that something has slipped out of my hands 

 Because of a small group that yells, boycotts, is stuck in the past - it seems like this nation is destroying itself- And I want to shout: We are brothers! 

 Yonatan and I argued all the time, furiously- But we were brothers. 

 So if you also feel that way, join me at the Dimona intersection this Thursday, at 7p.m., I will be back home by then 

 And there are 100 intersections all over Israel, his wonderful father Hagai's project, 100 places where we are going to show that we are brothers. 

 For the one near you, click here: or here 

(Translated by Rochel Sylvetsky)

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