02 May 2023

Why So Much Pompus? … UPDATE ...Is there a Geula Connection?

 Is the ‘King’ of England causing Herzog to keep Shabbat?

President Herzog to keep Sabbath during coronation of King Charles

Herzog will reach the coronation ceremony by foot, in order not to publicly desecrate the Sabbath. 

[you mean the President of ISRAEL, he and his wife, don’t keep The Holy Day??]


The Jewish wars

Why the protest movement is led by secular Jews and is supported by many in the international community who oppose Israel’s national identity as a Jewish state.Op-ed.

[how many nations are invited to this coronation?
are they beholding to this King?]


B”H Just found an eye-opener:
As prince, Charles was a member and staunch supporter of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and a close associate of its chairman Klaus Schwab. It was Charles who in June 2020 announced the launch of The Great Reset, a globalist new world order devised by Schwab which places “climate change” at the epicenter of the global agenda. 

In The Great Reset, world governments and large corporations declare “climate change” the greatest threat to humanity and require their citizens to make sacrifices for the environment. These include driving expensive electric cars, rationing electricity, eating fake foods and insectspaying carbon taxes, and other remedies prescribed by Schwab.

“The current pandemic has brought unimaginable devastation to people’s lives, livelihoods, and national economy,” said then-Prince Charles in a June 2020 video address for the WEF as world populations struggled with debilitating lockdowns. “At the same time, the green recovery represents an unprecedented opportunity to rethink and reset the ways in which we live and do business.

“Now, I’ve long believed we need a shift in our economic model that places nature and the world’s transition to net-zero [carbon emissions] at the heart of how we operate, prioritizing the pursuit of sustainable, inclusive growth in the decades to come.
“But I’m afraid we are literally at the last hour and there is real urgency for action. We know now what we have to do to rescue the situation, rather than going on talking about it,” concluded Charles.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have to understand that H' uses these evil people, etc. to undo the evil and make them think they are winning, c'v. The idea of all their evil agendas is to undo the normal way of the world and all the good that mankind has reached, but this has also brought down the morality of civilization.
The people's thinking is changing but this will all eventually, hopefully very soon, lead us to the coming of Moshiach tzdkeinu. It's difficult to explain, but all what these evildoers have planned will boomerang on them. We are now in the birur period before the Geulah Shleimah and most will find themselves very confused but we Yehudim must hold on tightly to our Emunah and Bitachon in Hashem.
As far as Herzog becoming a frumme yid all of a sudden, we have to remember he's a politician and is doing what looks good in this new right wing gvt because he's a definite leftist. Unless he awakened to his background, his grandfather and is really trying to do teshuva, might also be a probability.

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