16 May 2023

UPDATE TO Vaxers, Anti-Vaxers, Third Viewers, and Emes

Orig. article HERE


This article makes no sense from the very beginning. Very confusing and conflicting ideas. What about babies being born now to mothers who were vaccinated and the babies have severe respiratory distress that the doctors don’t know how to treat and these babies are dying within 24 hours of birth, otherwise normal healthy pregnancy. Doctors are mystified because they did not have access to the Pfizer documents which stated the possible side effects of vaccinated mothers to their babies, respiratory distress being one of them. Pro vaxxers are not being told the full truth by their doctors.

There’s a book by Israeli scientists attempting to get to the truth of vaccines. All entirely based on reliable scientific research. Called “Turtles All the Way Down” (English translation)
Warning: You might not like everything you read, whether you’re a pro or anti vaxxer. But if you’re searching for Emes, this is a good place to start.
Sorry to say it bluntly but this article is laughable. You wrote what happened to the first person who got the poison shot and then you claim that people you call “anti-vaxxers” who are against this shot (and they could be against the poison COVID shot but not particularly against real vaccinations so that name is not even valid) have no reason for being against the shot .. utterly laughable.
1. The COVID poison shot does not prevent people from getting COVID
2. The COVID poison shot does not prevent the transmission and spread of COVID

In short, the COVID poison shot is NOT a vaccine!
3. The covid poison shot has caused numerous deaths
4. The COVID poison shot has caused people to develop serious medical issues

Instead of bashing “anti-vaxxers”, people writing these “anti-vaxxers” articles should sound the alarms on the fact that the US gov and governments around the world and people like Bill Gates have committed atrocities by developing dangerous viruses AND ARE CONTINUING TO DO SO! It is simply unbelievable at how sidetracked so many people get to the real and important issues that need to be addressed!
It’s very interesting that you are saying that this is emes. There are hundreds of scientifically proven studies of the great danger of vaccines. Which is being buried and vilified. What is causing babies born healthy to suddenly become autistic? Plus vastly more complications. The covid vaccines did not have any benefits and only caused harm. How can you pretend to say that this article is eyes. Please do true emesdig research .
If you wan’t to really know the EMES then you need to hear what the virologist Stephen Lanka found and the pseudoscience used to prove viruses and the mathematical calculations used to find virus genomes. Germ theory is not the EMES it’s actually the twin theory of evolution! Unfortunately our Tzibur has become trained to not think and investigate, we’ve become conditioned to just follow what we’re told. People though are waking up and learning the health is all Terrain theory. Hopefully people can get past their denial and wake up to the Emes

WHEN COMMENTS ORIGINALLY VIEWED THERE WERE 60, But a mere hour later whoosh!, censorship prevails.

Sounds like the latest attempt is to befriend “anti-vaxxers” aka people who are smart and unwilling to fall for anything thrown their way, so they can get us to be in lock step with the newest agenda. Coercing and mandating didn’t work, so sounds like a new trick. Thanks but no thanks. Next time, when writing such a ridiculous article, do a better job of investigating and perhaps do a better job not to conflict yourself


If you think that that people like Faucci, are Emes people, go ahead and take vaccines.

If you think that the goverment regulations and vaccine, with 5 boosters and masks for 2.5 years was riddeled with other intere$t$, cloaked in public health, then be careful with that liquid.

New couples are having fertility issues as a result, but of course it’s all unproven.

Masks were unproven to work, until they decieded it is proven until they decided that they should wear two masks etc; Schools should be closed until they decided after 1.5 years that it did more damage than cure. Staidums were opened and liquer stores never closed, while gymes and shuls had a capcity of 10 ppl maximum.


THe author of this article is so misguided and nebich misled regarding the entire topic. The blogger, M I who has here sent in several comments is so on target and with a seichel hayoshor – moreso than any of the other commentators. His remarks are intelligent, correct and logical, and FLATTENS anything any of these other unfortunately misguided people have to say ! Kol hakavod, M I !


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