20 May 2023

Rabbi Weissman: Massive Erev Rav Update Part II

Part II 

Does this segue to a heartfelt apology from Hoffman for leading whoever was foolish enough to be swayed by his propaganda into harm's way? Of course not. Hoffman begins this piece with irrational, unfounded fear-mongering about polio (the Mengele establishment's health panic du jour to inject people, children especially, with Amalek juice). His belated acknowledgement that the covid shots caused rare adverse reactions is just another fig leaf to portray himself as an honest, reasonable person, and cobble together some credibility to push the latest propaganda.

Hoffman then cloaks himself in a mantle of emes in a repugnant misappropriation of the Torah and Hashem, neither of which guide him. What immediately follows this false appeal to Hashem's seal of Truth is his most damning statement:

During Covid-19, finally, a vaccine against the deadly version of the virus came out. It saved many people. However, in order to save these people, the NIH, CDC, and a number of others including doctors – suppressed some of the information regarding the Covid-19 vaccines and adverse reactions to vaccines.

Hoffman expresses absolutely no objection to the deliberate suppression of medical information that destroyed many people's lives. He simply glides right past this astonishing admission, as if it's a parenthetical point, and only laments that these unfortunate victims – who, again, were knowingly misled into harm's way – did not receive better treatment after suffering harm. The moral crime was not harming them in the first place – it was for the good of society, after all, a necessary human sacrifice to the covid gods, Ba'al and Molech, to save others – but dismissing their claims and denying them better medical care after the fact.

For a person who passes himself off as an Orthodox rabbi, someone who writes authoritatively on halacha, who professes to be an ambassador of the gedolim and a purveyor of Hashem's truth itself, to make such a statement and get away with it tells us all we need to know about the state of affairs in the Jewish world.

Yair Hoffman explicitly defended governments, health officials, doctors, and the media knowingly lying to people about the potential risks of an injection, so long as they believe (or claim to believe) it will “save lives”.

Now go ahead and take your "polio shot”.

Hoffman then offers an amateurish psychoanalysis of “anti-vaxxers”, going so far as to accuse them of seeking to profit from their deranged suspicion of other vaccines. Even the original snake would blush at Hoffman's utterly shameless inversion of reality.

So after finally admitting that yes, indeed, the covid shots caused harm in a few rare cases, and that actively lying to people about the dangers of a medical procedure is kosher for the nebulous “public benefit”, Hoffman continues to malign those who dare question vaccines in general or otherwise harbor suspicions about the integrity of the establishment.

Yes, we lie to you sometimes, and we might maim or kill you, but we do it for good reasons, so trust us always, you deranged anti-vaxxer.

This was published as a legitimate Torah piece in multiple “Orthodox” media outlets, who clearly support these views.

Yair Hoffman does not really believe what he wrote. Erev Rav like him and the numerous rabbinic phonies in this evil syndicate know exactly what they are doing. They are like crisis actors, just playing a part in exchange for whatever material rewards the monsters they serve offer them – careers, prestigious positions, awards, favorable media attention, and financial perks.

Perhaps long ago these people still had a conscience, some spark in their soul that cried out in pain when they severed their connection to Hashem and goodness. It is clear that there is nothing left of these people, just spiritual husks filled with darkness. Their crimes are too great to be atoned in this world.

I am grateful that Hoffman made such outrageous statements that no decent person would find convincing. The snakes are getting desperate. They need to pass off the covid shots as a one-off so they can maintain a semblance of credibility, continue to control the masses, and continue misleading us about so many other things.

It is high time the masses rose up as one and utterly rejected these Erev Rav. These are not good people who maybe made a mistake. These are evil people. The propaganda organs that promote them are evil. Whatever Torah and good deeds they display serve only as camouflage so they can mislead us more effectively.

According to Chazal, they have no share in the world to come.

Let them no longer have a place among us in this world, either.


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It should come as no surprise that a May 21 kefira event is advertised in Mishpacha's Family First magazine.  

For more on the Erev Rav behind the event, see here and here.  

They actually have the chutzpah to solicit "sponsorships" — as if the government and pharmaceutical oligarchs (but I repeat myself) aren't showering them with enough money already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


At this point in time, this sounds good

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