09 May 2023

Rabbi Weissman – EMERG! JOWMA Promoting Immorality and Murder of Jewish Babies

 Click here for clips from JOWMA's "Women's Health Webinar: Family Planning" on May 7, 2023. Warning: This presentation is obscene, highly disturbing, and completely antithetical to the Torah.

JOWMA's advertisements regularly appear in major Jewish media such as Mishpacha and Ami, and JOWMA is officially supported by the OU, the not so Orthodox Union:  

To this day there has been no public condemnation of JOWMA by rabbis (excluding yours truly and a very small number of others), who either tacitly support these ghoulish heretics or look the other way for the sake of personal convenience.  The goyim in America brought a beer company to its knees for promoting perversity, yet the Jewish people are silent while JOWMA and their allies poison the minds of our people.

For more on this insidious front group that is waging war on the Jewish people read JOWMA Exposed and the linked articles at the beginning, read JOWMA Exposed.

Related articles about JOWMA and the war against us by Erev Rav from within, who are funded and guided by Amalek from without:

The Atheist Convention: Medical Missionaries in Williamsburg and Boro Park
I call upon all Jews with true commitment to the Torah, fear of Hashem in their hearts, and concern for their community to raise your voices and drive this evil from our midst.  

Send Mishpacha, Ami, the OU, and anyone else who dares support JOWMA in any way a very clear message:

This Bud's for you.


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Anonymous said...

We must not forget that no matter how meturaf the world has become, we hold on tight because we KNOW THAT H' IS ITANU! 'Utzu Eitzah v'Sufar, Dabru Davar v'lo yakum ki Imanu Kel' AMEN!

Anonymous said...

All these so-called 'orthodox' Jews who would have anything to do with these reshaim (amaleikim) are 'definitely' part of the Erev Rav. The Erev Rav are mixed in everywhere within the Jewish people. Now we have reached the 'birur' period before Geulah and they are exposing themselves. These are Erev Rav Amaleikim and cannot do teshuvah because they are working with the worst of all the enemies of G-D and Yisrael! This is nothing less then a war they against the Creator and humanity. Sometimes, it is hard to believe that those who think they are brilliant (like these pseudo scientists) are really that stupid. They are nothing more but flesh & blood, created by the Boreh Olam and they are warring against HIM!

drbsd said...

As a an Orthodox medical doctor I protest this! I doit through my fb.

Leah said...

Excellent article.

Neshama said...

Anon, beside writing that here, PLEASE send your comments to the so called jewish mags(rags)!

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