20 May 2023

War on Words Part V


The term "Holocaust" is morally objectionable. It's a cynical and egregious assault on language [1] and on sound moral conscience. It’s a glaring example of their shameless “War on Words” that I’ve lamented here in the past. [2]

The word originally means "burnt offering." This implies that the systematic mass murder of my people was a human sacrifice ritual of sorts offered to a blood-thirsty deity who craves the brutal and heartless murders of innocents, not to mention defenseless women and children.

It is a horrific justification of the unthinkable and unfathomable amoral morass that made the wholesale slaughter of my people possible.

Remember: the mass slaughter didn't happen in a vacuum. The same conditions that produced it, and the same rogue elements that orchestrated and financed it, are very much alive at work in our current times.

And most cynical of all, they audaciously silence dissent by calling us "Holocaust deniers."

What unmitigated gall! Their insolence knows no bounds.

"Holocaust denial" indeed. I deny that there was ANY justification to the savage murders of my people. I categorically deny the existence of their fake deity or fairy-tale satan who craves human sacrifice. THEY are the satans, the blood-thirsty savage devils who murdered my people. And THEY are the satans who are busy at work perpetrating mass murder on humanity in our present times.

And it is THEY who will end up as the burnt offering, burnt by their own hellfires of Molekh. "For the very wanton wickedness that they perpetrated (will be) upon them" [3].

It is THEY, the Gogs and Magogs we've been warned about in scripture, who will be brought to justice for their unspeakable crimes against ouur people, against humanity, and against G-d Almighty.

For THEY are the "Holocaust" of their own making. They financed it. They perpetrated it. They own it. And they've perpetuated it over the past 80 years with their incessant poisoning of humanity and of children in particular.

They ARE the "Holocaust," and I deny their right to exist.

Their hegemony, their influence, their very existence, is illegitimate. And I call out to G-d Almighty to destroy them, just as He destroyed Pharaoh, Haman, and alll others of their ilk.

"So may perish all Your enemies, O Lord; but they who love Him should be as the sun when it goes forth in its might." [4]


[1] this phenomenon has been referred to as "verbicide." See “To Eliminate the Opiate” by Rabbi Marvin Antelman.

[2] See: my previous articles on this subject:

[3] Exodus 18:11.

[4] Judges 5:31.

By R’ Green

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