10 May 2023

Bio ‘Similar' Non Dairy ‘MilkSubstitute’ Not Plant Based

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was expected Wednesday night to announce government approval for a new milk-free milk protein produced by the Israeli “Remilk” company.

The company was founded by CEO Aviv Wolff, an entrepreneur behind several business and social initiatives, and CTO Ori Cohavi, PhD in Biochemistry, who has worked in R&D at a variety of biotech firms. 

Remilk produces “animal-free dairy protein” that is identical to cow-derived whey protein but produced without a single animal cell via precision fermentation. 

Unlike plant-based dairy alternatives, the proteins are bio-equivalent(?)  to their traditional counterparts and enable the production of dairy that the company says is indistinguishable in taste and function from traditional dairy but without lactose, cholesterol, and hormones, and with a fraction of the environmental impact.

[we already have almond milk, cashew milk, walnut milk, and more, that give one natural nutritional value. why do we need artificial milk?? what’s the purpose behind this??]

Netanyahu toured the Remilk offices last month. The prime minister was slated to announce marketing approval for the product during a visit to the Steakholder alternative meat company in Rehovot – another Israeli startup in the alternative protein sector.     


“Today we ate fish that was produced without fish and meat that was produced without cattle. This is a global revolution,” said Netanyahu. “Israel is a global leader in the field of alternative protein and we will see to it that we continue to lead.”

“Soon we will have new permits and new heights that will change the world,” he added.

(excerpt from article at

 [editorializing that of blogger]
*bio-equivalent = No results found for bio-equivalent (made-up term)

One needs to be very careful and vigilant when choosing to eat these ‘copy-cat’ foods. There must be a very reliable kosher certification, the highest possible. Also one must consider that introducing a ‘chemically’ created food that it will agree with your system and that you will be getting the equivalent nutritional content. These new food-like creations must be clean of additives like vaccines and others. It sounds “too good to be true” as some say. 
I’m not against new parve foods; I already am eating a parve butter substitute bc I cannot tolerate dairy. However the ingredients are all natural. It’s not bio-lab created! One can even make a butter sub from almond flour. I have the recipe for that. And it’s tasty. Also ‘milk’ from various nuts is wholesome and tasty.
The rest of the controlled world is being sold foods with insects (crikets), mr-vax, added or already found within the bodies of animals, vegetables, dairy. Be aware of toxic sprays used to repel bugs and insects in/on growing foods. Already they are using “bio-sludge” (with hoomin remains) to irrigate some fields. This becomes runoff into already polluted u.s water ways from toxic train derailments. You can understand the ramifications of all this. Scrutiny is a life-saving must. You should be aware of robots and half-human creations being introduced into the u.s work force and society?  
Remember it was Netanyahu who made Israel into a country of lab-rats. Now he is enthusiastically behind the new food creations that might one day try to replace historically conventional G-d given foods. A Jewish sounding name and powerful public official is no guarantee of “good 4 u”.  Sources: AND

Just saying!


Anonymous said...

Ha Shem Yerahem !!!!!!!!
and there is no public outcry, not even a public debate about those horrible abominations.
Saw the video when he tried that "so called fish", it must have tasted bad
or he was thinking about what he had to put into his mouth.
Anyway he is doing what he was told to do.


Anonymous said...

I remember when they came out with 'credit cards' and once it was out there were already dozens of ways of scamming the public. The bad guys are always out there. This brings us to the 'big' bad guys who are always out there (because they're so wealthy they can afford to push the 'bad' things) to find the newest ways on how to destroy!
G-D blesses the world with all the best but that's never good enough, so why not make 'mock' everything, no matter how detrimental it might be to humanity, and, of course, trying to show up the Creator, that they're better. This is the time of history when rather than fighting the humans, they are at war with G-D Himself and they can make a name for themselves trying to convince the ignorant that they don't need the Creator, c'v. It's all part of the 'agenda'.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I deleted this by mistake, so it is copied and posted
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Bio ‘Similar' Non Dairy ‘MilkSubstitute’ Not Plant Based":

Why would a normal thinking person wish to even look at it, let alone eat it.
Something is so wrong now where normal thinking is slowly disappearing and that's all
part of what they want. G-D's gifts of the very best and healthiest isn't as tempting as
taking a chance with one's health/life by putting artificial substances into one's body.
By pushing this, they think that people will forget there is a G-D! They're playing chess
with the Creator. Guess who wins?

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