27 December 2021

Rabbi Weissman: SmartPhones and Internet

Rav Chaim Kanievsky: Children 5 and Up Should Get Smartphones and Internet

Rav Chaim Kanievsky said today that all children over the age of five should be given a smartphone and begin using the Internet. The statement came during a meeting at 23 Rechov Rashbam, Rav Chaim's home in Bnei Brak, with senior education officials and doctors, who told Rav Chaim that this will increase their Torah study.

Rav Chaim was also informed that the US Department of Education approved bringing the Internet into every classroom from the age of five.

At the meeting were the heads of Israel's Education Ministry, leading experts from phone and Internet companies, and Dr. Mushlam Hart, Rav Chaim’s personal physician.

The experts presented info to Rav Chaim regarding the Internet usage of millions of children in the United States and research on the effects on their learning. “The educational benefits and advantages to children with Internet and smartphones significantly outweigh risks and side-effects,” they told Rav Chaim.

Rav Chaim, who said little during the meeting, responded that children over five should be given smartphones and Internet access, and gave a blessing to those who follow his instructions.

There is a video of Rav Chaim's grandson screaming the question into his ear until Rav Chaim says “Yes”, while the experts look on. We know the rest because that's what they told us happened. This is a definitive halachic ruling, the matter is closed, and anyone who has a problem with it a sheigitz.

This story was first reported by Kikar HaSheker, then it was picked up by Vos Isn't Neias, Arutz Sheker, The Jerusalem Compost, the Slimes of Israel, and others who played the telephone game. It is now established fact, and if you don't believe it, you're crazy and have no respect for the Torah.


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(not the one above)

“Rabbi Chaim Kanievski Rules: Children Should Be Vaccinated In Their Talmud Torahs” 

[BTW who wrote this “Ruling”? Who heard the entire “Ruling”? :

#As I understand it, due to his age and medical condition, Rav Chaim doesn’t write letters. Neither does he speak in public anything more than a word or two. Additionally he is hard of hearing. At the same time, his attendants are not letting the public to get close to him. Therefore the obvious question: how do we know if Rav Chaim did indeed say anything. The only thing we do know is that his attendants say so. His attendants are NOT Daas Torah, and we have no obligation to obey his attendants.

#This so called journalism should be ashamed of themselves to mislead the public as to use a good man’s name for their propaganda. The good Rav. Can barely talk or recognize his daughter. This is all Yanki’s doing, his grandson.. All for money… Disgusting… People need to do their own research on this, don’t take my word.. But lots of posts have been circulating. Also, responsable parents, do your research on this so called shots, which have killed and affected many for the past year.

#the control over rav chaim has been going on for years. I came with a shaila in the gemara, and yanki would not let me ask the question. anyone else, coming just to complain about their lives or get haskamos for their books, were accepted and given lengthy amounts of time.

#Between this ruling of R Chaim and Trump getting the booster. One thing is clear it’s obvious that the covid anti vaxxers are going into complete meltdown mode. (joke)

#what a load of rubbish! He didn’t rule anything. Show me a psak halacha, I don’t take medical or spiritual advice from a media report.


Anonymous said...

How very sad, that they are doing this to an old, frail and probably can't hear well great scholar and Rav. His grandson obviously has no fear of G-D or or the whole family is being threatened. I would hate to think anything opposite of that.
They have to know that everyone can see through this as it is so obvious because no 'gadol hador' would ever, ever say these children should have internet and smartphone. That is so insane that any person, Jew or non-Jew, of sound mind, would ever agree to that. Those at the helm in 'medinat' Yisrael have sinned so greatly together with the people who follow them that H' has taken away the privilege of every Jew having a haven to come back home to our E.Y. in these insane and trying times. All because we have abandoned 'G-D, Torah & the Land of Israel' and we are areivim zeh l'zeh. Where are our real Torah Jews worldwide, rabbis & scholars to unite as one people and cry out to Hashem in unity to redeem us as HE did in Mitzrayim when the slavery became overwhelming? Well, we are now in an even more precarious situation than that and it has hit the whole world. Let us unite for the second time since Matan Torateinu as one people with one heart and plead to Him to save us and mankind from the evil that has overaken the world.

Neshama said...

Emmess, did you read my “Just in case” at the bottom??
It’s a parody! Except fro “comments at the end”

Anonymous said...

I know it's a parody. But there are many people who are thrilled that the propaganda is spreading that the Rav gave his haskamah to the chisoun, because they probably took it and it makes them feel like they're right. But, the idea of him giving his OK for internet and smartphones to five year olds is the real giveaway (parody). The world has become so ridiculous many would believe anything.
Sadly, his grandson must be a real character because (in reality) he is making a joke of the Rav, by his real actions which is really a chilul H'.


Gavriela Dvorah said...

That's a good one! I actually believed that the evil ones may have foisted this one on the Gadol until I got to the bottom. The sad thing is, that it's not beyond the realm of possibilities today in this galut erev rav.

Neshama said...

Another question, why is HaShem allowing this to happen to a Gadol b’Torah?

Anonymous said...

Neshama, having children and grandchildren that are having yeshivot and so on that depends on g. money
this rabbi with a big courage, a son of rosh yeshiva Mir, talks about it, I think he is first one, in hebrew:

Everyone of us now are showing a true faces, the Light is shed and we see ourselves and others as we really are. leah

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