09 December 2021

Israeli Scientist – Mathematical Formula Proves Prophecy Part I



Saul Kullook, a scientist with many patents to his name, has developed a formula correlating the axis of the earth and the latitudes of Israel’s Biblical borders to Prophecy. The proofs are convincing but what he said about next year will shock you.

Kullook was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and immigrated to Israel in 1974. In addition to his scientific research, Kullook has made an intense study into physical-mathematical structures contained in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient tradition of Israel. Remarkably, he discovered predefined timings for major physical events involving the People of Israel during the last 3,500 years which are correlated to physical events. Kullok is in the process of publishing his study.

Kullook discovered that major events affecting the return of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel can be numerically obtained by a mathematical relation between two observable physical factors: the inclination of the planet and the latitude of the Biblical borders in Israel.

“The proofs are all written out but nobody wants to check it. It is too intimidating,” Kullook said to Breaking Israel News.

The study is complicated but that is not what intimidates other scientists according to Kullook.

“They fear the implications,” Kullook said. “It proves that God established a timetable in nature, that this is what determines the movement of the earth and not just the known laws of nature.”

He described the discovery in the simplest possible terms.

“The inclination of the planet on the year of the immigration plus the constant angular value equals the latitude of a border of Israel,” Kullook said.

“The mean inclination of the earth’s axis has decreased continuously during the 3,500 years investigated in this study; from the biblical time of Israel crossed the Jordan River after their biblical Exodus from Egypt until present times,” Kullook explained. “For each point in time, biblical and historical, the earth’s axis has a different mean inclination or axial tilt. For the contrary, the latitude of physical and biblical borders (or places), are fixed geographical values obtained in accordance with the Book of Joshua. The algorithm is a mathematical expression involving a correlation between points in time of history and the latitude of a place or border in the Biblical Land of Israel.”

“The formula means that if I know the latitude of the border, I subtract the constant angular value to obtain the mean inclination of the earth, from where the time at which this inclination took place gives the date of the event,” Kullook said. 

“Conversely, if I know the date, I can use the formula, insert the axial value and get the latitude of the border. This is an absolute correlation.”

“Put simply, the discovery shows that the Jews come back to Israel at fixed times that are set in the forces of nature, in the sun, stars, and earth,” Kullook said.

He emphasized that the factors in this algorithm are a powerful combination of heaven (the mean axial tilt of the Earth) and earth (the geographical latitude of the territorial borders in the Biblical Land).

“The timings given by the algorithm should be considered as predefined by astronomic and geographic physical factors, which are not under human control,” explained Kullook. “This means that the timing of a significant number of biblical and historical events involving the migratory movements of the Israelites to and from the Biblical Land was, and will be predefined.”

Kullook gave several examples of the accuracy of the algorithm, the first being the entrance of the Jews into Israel after the Exodus from Egypt. Based on sources in the Bible and the Talmud, Kullook placed the Exodus from Egypt at 1,476 BCE.

“This means that the Children of Israel came into the Land of Israel in 1,436 BCE, which according to my formula correlates with the latitude of Jericho, their entry point into the land,” Kullok said.

He noted that like any mathematical formula, this works in both directions.

Another example he gave concerned the Babylonian Exile in the sixth century BCE. Kullook’s formula correlated the date of the exile and the subsequent return with the northern and southern borders of the Biblical city of Jerusalem.

“We know the geographical latitude of the southern biblical border of ancient Jerusalem. The corresponding historical time given by the algorithm is the year 539 BCE, which is the time for when the fall of the Babylonian Empire took place,” Kullook said. “This major historical event was soon followed by the King Cyrus Edict of 538 BCE allowing for both, the beginning of the Jewish return from the Babylonian Exile and the start of the Second Temple construction.”

Kullook also explained about the definition of the border of the Arnon River, which is in the portion of Israel in the eastern side of the Jordan River. The river marks the southern border of the Tribe of Reuven. The latitude for this algorithm was slightly less precise since the Arnon River forms a delta as it joins the Dead Sea. Kullook’s algorithm correlates the convergence of the Arnon and the Dead Sea to the years 1830-1840. Though this may seem unrelated to the State of Israel, Kullook insists these years were critical to the establishment of the modern state of Israel.

“This is precisely the time for when the Ottoman Empire started to disintegrate in its Middle-Eastern domains,” Kullook said. “The process for the restoration of the House of Judah in the Biblical Land started right there by the active participation of England, a Christian Nation, and more recently with also the United States of America, also a Christian Nation. There was a theological revival at that time, a change in theology that led them to their fundamental participation in this process of return.”

Kullook said that this inclusion of Christianity in these preordained times signifies its role in the prophesied return to Israel.

“Jewish and Christian endeavors toward returning the Jews to Israel are necessarily very different,” he said. “But they are nevertheless complementing each other while working towards the same goal. They represent a two-sided parallel process, each in accordance with the words of the prophets of Israel.”

The latitude of the significant east-west section of the border delineated by the Arnon River bears an additional prophetic result, corresponding to the years 1947-1951. More significant than the UN Partition Plan establishing the State of Israel, 700,000 Jews immigrated to Israel in these years.

But Kullook’s formula is not limited to the past. The latitude of the southernmost point of the Arnon River corresponds to next year.

“The results show the year before an aliyah (immigration to Israel, literally ‘ascending),” Kullok said. “This means that in two years, there will be an aliyah which, according to the calculations, will be the largest yet. Since it is the most southern latitude of all the borders of Israel, this is the final aliyah and there will be no more exiles.”

Kullook made one final comment on the nature of his formula. “Since the formula bears accurate results based on the Biblical borders of Israel, what is known as Greater Israel, the relevance of these borders is prophetic and still relevant today.”



1 comment:

moshe said...

Whatever, if there is truth to this or not; we go according to our Torah and the commentaries of our holy Sages of yesteryear when they had Ruach Hakodesh. We only know what H' allows us to know. We do know we are very close to the end of days (hopefully, very soon in a blink of an eye). Breaking News is a questionable site (some say 'not really Jewish); I don't know, but science is what the non Jewish & secular world seem to need to prove everything; we do not, because we know there is only Hashem and HE controls everything for everything is His.


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