Thank you for this video
Chazal said about our time that rabbanim will do teshuva, but why? So much Torah knowledge, mitzvot!!!! Because of kavod, money and so on...leah
Waiting for your transcript....please.....
Gosh this is too difficult for me.What about you, you speak Ivrit, no?
Who who who would trade their olam haba....for what??
Anon @ 12:36, Chazal tell us that most of the rabbis will be of the erev rav (Did not see where it says that they will do teshuva). If they are not of the amaleiki type, maybe they can. emmess
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The Unspoken Wounds: Confronting a Painful Past and the Path to Healing within Israel By confronting the unspoken wounds of the past with ...
Thank you for this video
Chazal said about our time that rabbanim will do teshuva, but why? So much Torah knowledge, mitzvot!!!! Because of kavod, money and so on...leah
Waiting for your transcript....please.....
Gosh this is too difficult for me.
What about you, you speak Ivrit, no?
Who who who would trade their olam haba....for what??
Anon @ 12:36, Chazal tell us that most of the rabbis will be of the erev rav (Did not see where it says that they will do teshuva). If they are not of the amaleiki type, maybe they can.
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