02 December 2021

Chanukah at the Kotel – Ner Hamishi

 Ner Hamishi - Deliverance to Sprout

Remember Friday night, Shabbos, Ner Shishi and Yom Shishi of Chanukah is Rosh Chodesh Teves (the month of Eisav) and the Earth will be experiencing a FULL ECLIPSE. This Ner is most opportune for davening for Refuos (al pi kabbala and Rabbi Anava) [remember to light a bit early, before Shabbos candles]

TOTAL ECLIPSE DETRIMENTAL TO EISAV:  A total solar eclipse sweeps across Antarctica on December 4, 2021. The instant of greatest eclipse takes place at 07:33 UTC, which is 1:33 a.m. on the morning of December 4 for us in North America. ... The eastern edge of the eclipse path passes within 225 miles (360 km) of South Georgia Islan


RivkieS said...

Is it true that the eclipse affects the land/people it crosses over? Would this still be important if there are not many living there?

RivkieS said...

or maybe that it is crossing the whole earth that means even more

Neshama said...

Shalom Rivkie, as far as I understand what our Torah says is that the total eclipse effects the entire Earth, and when it crosses over land it has meaning for those lands (and peoples). As was explained by Rabbi Anava, this total eclipse on a Rosh Hodesh in Chanukah is very detrimental to EISAV, as the month of TEVES (as well as Tammuz and half of Av) is attributed to him. A very negative sign for Eisav.

IY”H we may see how this plays out in the world situation and politics.

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