29 December 2021

About NIBIRU . . .

 . . . You think it might be possible that all this depopulation agenda was put into action and their frantic push to vax everyone could be because they know all about NIBIRU and are terribly scared, soon to dive into their underground bunkers thinking they will be safe?? 

Maybe those anti–God non believers will become insane when they realize their bunkers are their end days burial chambers!

We recognize that HaShem is bringing history to its next chapter, and not everyone will be included. We don’t know all the details, but we do know that HE is in charge and we must do our personal heshbon hanefesh (personal accounting) if we want to be included.

Rabbi Kessin gave a very detailed comparison of our situation being just like in Mitzrayim, except for Lashon Hara. “We were redeemed because we didn’t speak lashon hara even though we were full of sin at the 49th level.” Today we are guilty of speaking lashon hara, and are similarily at the 49th level, but if we concentrate on preventing speaking lashon hara about each other, Mashiach will bring about our final redemption. 

And Dave Dobbs is the most reliable earthly accounting of the NIBIRU effects:

And “MrMBB333” shows this:

Sinkholes are Beginning to Show the Next Phase of Earth Changes - Around the Dead Sea in Israel

Unfortunately this will continue unless we stop the LASHON HARA!
Using MORONIC OMICRON to threaten people and enact inhuman edicts:

Lockdowns, Mandates Force Millions to Starve, Arrests Made at NYC Burger King For No Jab Passes. The new measures are intended to combat what French authorities have described as a "megawave". Starting from next week, working from home will become mandatory for those who are able. Additionally, public gatherings will be limited to 2K people for indoor events. This comes as France reports more than 100K cases over the weekend.
Elsewhere, in NYC, residents are suffering through the second day of jab mandates for private businesses. Footage of police arresting the un jabbed inside a Burger King in the city is already going viral on social media.-


Anonymous said...

It might be that nibiru is causing the changes in our solar system, it might be not, for me it doesn't matter, What matter is: God wants to finish with all the dirt, and I'm waiting for this, a Grand Finale! leah

Anonymous said...

Leah, well said. We can all agree to that.


Guest Post: “ The Unspoken Wounds:”

  The Unspoken Wounds: Confronting a Painful Past and the Path to Healing within Israel By confronting the unspoken wounds of the past with ...