30 July 2019

Climate Change and The Carbon Myth


An exhibition that opened at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art on Thursday is one of the first of its kind to present global cities as "tools for combating" climate change.

Climate change used to mean summer to fall, 
fall to winter, winter to spring, and spring back to summer

The temporary exhibition, Solar Guerrilla: Constructive Responses to "Climate Change", includes a series of interdisciplinary collaboration with a range of public and private institutions, commercial companies and professionals from around the world. Case studies from Tel Aviv, New York, Copenhagen, Singapore, Masdar and many other cities are presented, organized in six thematic sections.
Urban Innovation = Cubicle Homes
Sustainability = Restricted Nutrition and much more.

Dr. Orli Ronen, head of the "Urban Innovation" and "Sustainability Lab" at Tel Aviv University and academic consultant to the exhibit, addressed the media in front of the exhibit’s opening, which depicts a massive mural of climate activists.

Climate Change is definitely on the Agenda 2030 Map

“We should be much more concerned with climate change, and this exhibition is an enormous opportunity to get the message across,” Ronen said. “Because climate is not the center of conversation, definitely not in Israel, and also in other places around the world.”

Relationship between climate, change and social activism = Convincing people 
that the world is in trouble so you must give up 
everything you ever have known if your lifetime

The name "Solar Guerrilla", according to Ronen, reflects the relationship between climate change and social activism, which is why the exhibit opens with a demonstration from the group “350", a leading climate organization fighting to "stabilize carbon levels" in the atmosphere.

climate organization fighting = is solar guerrilla (a fierce predator)
stabilize carbon levels = eliminating oxygen & the greening of Planet Earth

“It shows that the world is changing, and people are reacting to it,” Ronen added. Museum director Tania Coen-Uzzielli also spoke on the museum’s role in the discussion on climate change.

Tel Aviv is known for its extreme alternative views
Important concern of society = should be the over million children in poverty
not terraces with plants

“We feel at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art that this extreme, important concern of society that is climate change has to be addressed,” she said. “This exhibition wants to have an activist message to our public, and take an important position in this matter and invite people to reflect. We see that the museum in this way is becoming crucial and has an important role.”


Water and oil is part of the creation of Earth, resources for our use; they are not fossil fuels and carbon excess. Limiting the Sun’s effects onto Earth (even with "solar minimum") is to set in motion the dimming and “clouding” of earth to diminish all life forms (includes human life).

[while the climate is changing, as it does periodically because it is part of the evolution of Earth and the Universe. what causes it is not human interaction. the climate change the above article relates to is human manipulation of weather and other facets of our atmosphere and earth, in order to change the dynamics that G-D the Creator put into His Creations. They created a language and movement over the years to depopulate, eliminate free movement in countries, control over humans, and poisoning the atmosphere (via chem-trailing), earth by poisoning our foods (herbicides and pesticides), human injections (vaccines of dubious origins and robotic creativity), contaminating water supplies (fluoride poisoning), and much more. These are not fallacies or lies, they are part of a extreme world movement to limit life on Earth. Time will tell when it becomes so obvious in their later stage developments.] BUT there are "good forces” IY"H fighting all of the above. Its a race to finish line (Mashiach)

1 comment:

moshe said...

What else can be expected from the G-Dless and unJewish city of Tel Aviv? I know there are good Jews living in that city too, but it is represented by unJewish leaders who invite and allow indoctrination of all evils.
Hoping they do teshuvah along with the rest of the Bnai Yisrael!

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