08 July 2019

“Double Standard” Toward Peleg . . . And a New Wave of Ethiopian Protests

Watch Israeli Cops Attack Chareidim At Same Time Ethiopians Wrecked Havoc

The YWN question of a double standard seems to have been answered. At precisely the same time that Israeli police did absolutely nothing as Ethiopians in Israel wreaked havoc by destroying dozens of police cars and blocking traffic across the country, Israeli police were treating Yeshiva Bochrim affiliated with the Peleg Yerushalmi violently.

YWN in no way condones the actions of anyone breaking the law and blocking traffic and inconveniencing hundreds of thousands of people. YWN is simply exposing the very obvious and disturbing double standard shown by Israeli police towards anyone wearing a Yarmulka.
The attached video (still) is just one example of police brutality:
in this still photo, from off the side of the camera, a policeman "flies over and jumps the Jew" to the ground; is this a new anti-terror maneuver? To see video go HERE 

OK, we have passed thru the “shock and hurt” of the unfortunate death of one of their members.
 NEW protests are unwarranted

The demonstrations, dubbed the “Ethiopian protests”, which began following the shooting death of an Ethiopian teenager in Haifa last week, are expected to continue this week, following a lull over the weekend. Relatives of the slain teen, Solomon Tekah, said Monday morning that they planned to continue the mass protests against Israeli police, demanding that the officer involved in the shooting be charged with murder.

“We won’t stop the protests until the situation changes,” relatives of Tekah said, according to a report by Maariv.  arutzsheva

A report based on a ballistics examination has confirmed that the bullet which killed 19-year-old Solomon Tekah last Sunday evening was fired at the ground, and struck Tekah only after it ricocheted off the ground. The report confirms a key part of the officer’s story, and likely reduces the odds he will be charged with manslaughter. arutzsheva

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Here is what one commenter had to say:
This is what happens when the Jewish Agency ... imported anyone who said they were Jews which we know so many are NOT. For instance, the Russian population, and the Ethiopians.

With the first immigration of the Ethiopians, they were considered real Jews but many of the Africans took advantage of this situation where they, too, can have a better life and said they were really Jews and had to convert to Xtianity. The original Ethiopians were very angry and disappointed that the the Israeli government did not heed their warning that these newcomers are NOT Jews. 

This has not only been bad for the Ethiopian Jewish community but, of course, for the whole community of Israel.


LondonMale said...

Arutz Sheva has written that the violence on the Ethiopian protests was caused by Arab and left wing infiltrators.
This has been verified by a friend whose relative was at one of the protests.
So we have to be careful claiming "Ethiopians" caused havoc.
Though yes, a friend from that community has also told em that there are some fake Ethiopian Jews who were made Aliyah.

Neshama said...

Thank you LondonMale, I appreciate your comment. It was good to highlight those two things. Their early naïveté, spoiled by the Israeli social scene, and infiltration by “bad elements” has hurt the Ethiopian next generation. Their parents are torn between all this. And it is a disgrace and detriment to the State’s Zionist mantra.

moshe said...

London Male: Not some 'fake' Ethiopian Jews, but many as the last few aliyot were made up of the non-Jewish Ethiopians who said they were really Jews but forced to convert to Xtianity and the original aliya of Ethiopian Jews were against the new ones saying these new immigrants were faking it a so they can come and make a good life for themselves.

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