14 July 2019

A Hot, Sweltering and Scorching Tammuz and Av

This is going to be a very HOT and BURNING next two months’ of Tammuz and Av

Arabs throw firebombs at Border Police base in northern Jerusalem, cause vehicles and scooters to go up in flames. The fire broke out after Arabs threw firebombs at the base. A number of vehicles and scooters went up in flames as a result of the attack. Firefighters prevented the fire from spreading to other vehicles and nearby buildings.arutzsheva

"We will take the settlements bordering Gaza. In any future war, the enemy must expect groups behind enemy lines to enter and control those settlements," said a commander of one of the terrorist groups in Gaza to the Lebanese Al Akhbar newspaper on Wednesday. One of the most significant lessons that the Gazan terrorist groups learned from the 48-hour escalation in May, is that the Iron Dome could be overcome and even targeted directly in some places. According to the commander, 700 rockets were fired in the last round of fighting, with the Iron Dome only succeeding to intercept 240 rockets. The terror groups in Gaza found that, "if shells are fired from areas close to the [Gaza] border, there is a weakness in the [Iron Dome's] response," the commander told Al Akhbar. The terrorist groups also found that if more than 10 rockets are fired at once, the Iron Dome's performance is also weakened – but that the rockets must be fired in a period of no longer than five minutes for this to work. They implemented this practice by launching "very heavy bursts of rockets – up to dozens of rockets in one burst – towards one target," in order to allow one or two missiles to get past the Iron Dome and hit residential areas, he said.

Unfortunately, the Israeli Government does not sufficiently value our Jewish lives;
they are more afraid of the EU than the Palestinians
(but that will all change soon)

Cracks in the Dome?
by Martin Sherman

strategic israel:  The huge investments made in defensive systems are slowly emerging as an exorbitant and costly failure—or at best a very partial and temporary success. The time has come to rethink Israel’s strategic paradigm.

…the ability to defeat the enemy means taking the offensive. Standing on the defensive indicates insufficient strength; attacking, a superabundance of strength— Sun Tzu, “The Art of War”, circa 400 BC.

…Although it has been barely two weeks since the violence in the South subsided, public recollection of what transpired has faded rapidly—with the intervening Independence Day celebrations and the Eurovision hullaballoo helping to dull collective memory.
. . .One of the reasons advanced for the Iron Dome’s ostensibly diminished capacity was the intensity of the barrages fired at Israel concentrated within a short time period. Seemingly affirming that this was a purposeful tactic, a spokesman for Hamas’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades proclaimed: “The Qassam Brigades, thanks to God, succeeded in overcoming the so-called Iron Dome by adopting the tactic of firing dozens of missiles in one single burst.”

. . .These results prompted expressions of skepticism—even unfounded derision—as to the true ability of the Iron Dome system to effectively protect Israel’s civilian population—even prompting once source to claim—somewhat unfairly—“It’s not Iron Dome. It’s Iron Sieve.”…

JPF Pontes commented:

The state of Israel must expel the Arabs from its territory, which includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, because it is written in the Torah, in Exodus 23:31-33 and in Numbers 33:52, that God commanded Israel to expel the other inhabitants of the Land of Canaan and of the Land of Gilead, which is the Land of Israel, which includes all the Palestine and the Golan Heights. The Arabs invaded the Land of Israel in the year 635 CE, so they are [the] invaders, and must leave Israel, and return to their own land, which is Arabia [Egypt, Jordan and Syria]. This is not racism, because any person, of any race or ethnicity, can convert to Judaism. Moreover, the Palestinian Arabs are killing the Israeli Jews, so that the Israeli Jews need to expel the Palestinian Arabs from the Land of Israel, as self defense, in order to save their lives.

1 comment:

moshe said...

Yasher koach to the comment by JPF where truth is revealed, but as long as the Erev Rav rule, we must pray H' gives courage and sechel to the Jewish people so they wake up to reality and demand that the Torah be obeyed and common sense prevail!


At this point in time, this sounds good

"'Shalom Hamas' means Hello and Goodbye - You can choose. Release all of the Hostages now, not later, and immediately return al...