21 July 2019


Eliana Getting Her Medication On Friday – Message From Her Parents

YWN was asked to publish the following message:

B”H The family of Chana bas Shani (Eliana Cohen) would like to share with our greater family, the worldwide Jewish community, that due to great Siyata D’shmaya, and an unprecedented outpouring of support from all of you, the medication has arrived at the hospital and our daughter is B’ezrat HaShem, scheduled to receive this medication on Friday. We have no words to thank you for all your support and ask that you continue to Daven for the success of this treatment and continued good health for Chana Bat Shani, and all of K’lal Yisroel. YWN


UPDATE: Yitzchok Amar Out Of Jail, Spent Shabbos With Relatives; Pidyon Shevuim Successful YWN
Alert: Pidyon Shevuim


LTC said...

As a physician who strives to always do everything possible for my patients I'm clearly thrilled that this child has an opportunity to receive this medication.

At the same time I'm somewhat bemused that you don't see how this just proves how clueless you are.

This medication received preliminary approval on compassionate basis as it's the only option for a devastating illness. However it's been studyied in less than 50 patients.

On the other hand, vaccines, which have decades and reams of data based on millions of patients..... You consider them evil. Just to conform to your nutty, irrational ignorant viewpoints.

Ma'am, you can't have it both ways. There's a hell of a lot more data to support the use of vaccines, and they stand to benefit exponentially more people than this expensive medication that has, to date, minimal data about its efficacy and side effects.

Neshama said...

Thank you for a respectful comment. You have over-accused me.
I am not against ALL vaccines, as long as they are not complicated by toxins, poisons, and animal DNA, and other totally unnecessary ingredients. Plus, you do not believe and are not conscious of the nefarious purposes (begun after the 60’s) of certain overt and covert ingredients in connection with population control (this is understood by bright minds that have researched this). Think B Gates, M Sanger to name the big names. Everyone know about MS and her crusade against Blacks. BG is worried about saving the planet and the farce of climate change or climate whatever. He’s warped, his thinking is warped. climate and capitalism = Progressivism.

the tetanus shots are life saving, the epi-pen is life saving. But another animal is the measles (think ebola); flu and a few other ones that are not what they profess to be and do not do what they are supposed to do.

there is so much more but cannot write it here.

Neshama said...

LTC I forgot to add my revulsion at the mafia demand of 2.2 million USD to save a child’s life. Something has to curb this voracious appetite for reimbursement.

moshe said...

To the above commenter. The reason for so much negativity towards the new vaccines is because there has been too much proof of foul play with vaccines. There are ingredients, it seems, that should not be included and the pharmaceuticals are very greedy and there is reason to believe there has been for a long time the agenda of depopulation. Much power has been given to big corporations, insurance companies, medical field, etc. where the power of the individual is being taken away. Things that reminds one of an era just 75 years ago. These suspicions have basis. More study (with truth) should be done until everyone can really be assured that the public safety is really paramount to everything else.

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