04 July 2019

Not Long Ago, Not Far Away

If you think the Holocaust could never happen today, watch this and think again…

It seems too ridiculous to be true. But it’s not. It’s horrifying what the Students for Justice in Palestine say and do. It has been just over 70 years since the end of the Holocaust. What happened to “Never Again?”

What is SJP?

SJP stands for Students for Justice in Palestine. They paint themselves as a harmless student organization. All 189 chapters around North America must be banned. Because what they really do is try to boycott Israel and falsely accuse the democratic state. They hate Jews. They hate Israel – all they stand for is hatred. Will anyone stop them? The silence is deafening.

SJP and the Holocaust

And what is SJP’s view on the Holocaust? Well, considering that the founder, Hatem Bazian, is a terrorist and all the members hate Jews, their views should not surprise you. The scary part is the extent to which they profess their beliefs. They deny the Holocaust while praising Hitler.

Here are some of their frightening Holocaust related comments:

Amal Tabel – SJP, U of Houston: “Hitler should have killed the Jews when he had the chance that dog.”

Rawan Qaddoura – SJP, McMaster U: “Every time I read about Hitler, I fall in love all over again.”

Heba Asi – SJP, UT Arlington: “I honestly don’t feel that sympathetic about the Holocaust..#SorryNotSorry”

Halima Eid – SJP, San Diego State U: “We need to put Zionists in concentration camps. Now that would be a life experience for them.”

Those are not things peaceful organizations say. Sadly, these students are allowed on campus. They want another genocide, and that is not something to take lightly.

Where is the outcry? Why does the media ignore this terrifying problem that is ever so present on campuses around North America? It makes you wonder. Who will stand up and cry “Never Again?”

Source: Israel Unwired

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