12 July 2019

Parshas Balak – Dangerous Power

By Roy S. Neuberger

Bilaam was a novi. A novi can give unique service to the Ribono shel Olam. His avoda is to transmit Hashem’s ratzon and thereby elevate the entire world. But, like every opportunity, it is a two-edged sword. Spiritually-powerful people need humility in order to ensure that they use their power properly. Who was more powerful than Dovid Hamelech? Yet Dovid says, “I am a worm.” (Tehillim 22)

Bilaam is trying to use his enormous spiritual power to destroy, chas v’Shalom, the beloved Children of the Creator of the Universe. How can brilliant people be such fools?

“The Torah of Hashem is perfect, restoring the soul. The testimony of Hashem is trustworthy, making the simple one wise.” (Tehillim 19) Every Shabbos, when I say these words, I pray that Hashem will make me wise through His Torah. It is easy to let theyetzer hara take over, pushing us to go “acharei levavchem v’acharei ainaichem … after [our] heart and [our] eyes.” (Bamidbar 15:39) We can elevate ourselves through the struggle against taiva, but at the same time we cannot afford to lose; the stakes are eternal and infinite.

“When a person gains certain mental attitudes in this world, that’s what he takes with him into the Next World. The attitudes, the ideals, the dei’os that you acquire in this world are what you take with you forever.” 
(Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l on Parshas Korach)

There is a science called “facial recognition technology.” This is widely used in China, where the government is trying to track every person at all times. By the year 2020, the government hopes to have 450 million surveillance cameras in place! This technology is spreading throughout the world. Chinese citizens are reportedly happy with this “progress.” A locked door opens when the camera recognizes your face, and you will no longer need a passport. The police can easily track criminals.

When I was a kid, we were all frightened by George Orwell’s book, “1984,” from which we learned the phrase, “Big Brother is watching you.” Now this is coming to pass.

I understand that this can be seen as a moshul, a reminder that above us is “a watchful eye, an attentive ear, and all your deeds are recorded in a book.” (Pirkei Avos 2:1) It is comforting to understand that Hashem is watching over us, but Big Brother, lehavdil, is a different story. 

When people like Bilaam believe they can run the world, life becomes precarious. Who, after all, is the criminal? Maybe Big Brother will decide that decent people are criminals and crime is normal. Did not Pharaoh suddenly decide that the Children of Israel were dangerous? Think how Hitler, ymak shemo, would have used this technology!

My friends, we are living in a desperately dangerous world. We need to daven every minute for Hashem to save us and to understand that the only salvation will be the moment when “Torah will come forth from Zion and the word of Hashem from Yerushalayim!” (Yeshiah 2:3)

There is nothing else. “Ana Hashem Hoshia na … Hashem please save now!” (Tehillim 118)

May we see the Geula Shelemah soon in our days! 

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Roy Neuberger, author and public speaker, can be reached at

© Copyright 2019 by Roy S. Neuberger


moshe said...

Very good as usual. Bilam was a novi on the wrong side; i.e., a sorcerer with tremendous powers. H' gave ten measures of black magic to the world. His sons were the court magicians in Pharoah's palace and left with the Jews at yetziat Mitrayim, along with about 2 million Egyptians, etc. We suffer from them up until this day who are the Erev Rav. Bilam was evil and on the impure side while, l'havdil, the neviim were on the pure side and in direct contact with H'. Bilam understood from where his powers came and that H' controls everything and that the Jews cannot be cursed and so H' put the blessings in his mouth instead.
This era is bringing out this tumah because this will be the end of it when H' sends His servant, Moshiach tzdkeinu, to redeem us and the world. In the meantime, these are strange and dangerous times.

Chana said...

By the way, parsha Balak, then Bill Gets gave an interview that he and Steve Jobs do everything through magic. "When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company was on the verge of death due to Microsoft’s years of inept leadership and domination in the computer world. But in just a few years, Jobs managed to turn the struggling company, and by the early 2000s, Apple was making one hit product after another.

  Now we have a theory about how Jobs handled it: magic.

  This, according to Bill Gates, who recently talked about leadership and work on Fareed Zakaria GPS from CNN. At the show, Gates said that Jobs was a master of "spells" to motivate his employees:

"I was like a petite wizard, because he was casting spells, and I saw people hypnotized, but since I’m a petty wizard, spells do not work for me." So all the technology from there is from mountains Kodesh where Aza and Azazel are chained.
Bill -Bilyam Gates and his friend
But all their curses will turn into blessings when we distribute the Torah via the Internet.

Neshama said...

Wow, Chana, Great! That’s the first time I heard about this. Interesting. My impression of Bill-am is that he is the evil one (vaccines and population control). Even if this is all so, I believe HaShem has harnessed the intended power and channeled it to the “good.” And even though some people using these technologies are a conglomeration of not so nice individuals, the ultimate end result will be for the “good.” IY”H

moshe said...

Thought most people already understood who he is, as he is the head of the Eugenics Dept. at the U.N. This is all about depopulation. Most of humanity, think all this is wonderful, as they are G-Dless. The world has sunk to the 50th level of tumah - time for 'Moshiach' to arrive!
Neshama - H' has a sense of humor. He is making the evil doers themselves undo themselves. The continent of Europe is lost to invasion which they themselves caused by inviting the invaders, as well as all the other catastrophes everywhere which are created by their misdeeds. When man goes against the Creator, the Creator allows and causes them to undo themselves. That is the time when the Jew needs to wake up and start thinking and do teshuvah but, unfortunately, most have lost their Yiddishe thinking power. H' yerachem!

Neshama said...

Moshe, you know, I laughed out loud at your intro sentence. Love the humor. How can i send you some important information?

Anonymous said...


Guys, start to post this and let even if is just one come NOW BACK!


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