06 July 2019

New Evidence About the Tragedy of Ethiopian Israel

The following evidence sheds light on the circumstances of the initial “spark” that exploded into the Ethiopian rioting.

The police investigation of the shooting incident which led to the death of an Ethiopian man, Solomon Tekah, revealed that the police officer shot at the ground, as he had insisted from the beginning. An autopsy of Tekah revealed that only a bent sliver of the bullet was lodged in his body, proving that the bullet first hit a hard surface. Furthermore, the remaining part of the bullet was found lodged in the ground at the scene of the shooting.

A Walla! report related the policeman's version of what happened that fateful day. The off-duty policeman went out with his wife and his children to the park in the evening and saw three young Ethiopian men beating up a 13-year old boy and trying to steal his money and phone.

The policeman approached the scene, ordering them to leave the boy alone but they ignored him. The officer then identified himself as a policeman, but to no avail - the men began cursing at him and threatening him. The policemen then decided to leave the scene since the boy had run away and he noticed that the men seemed to be drunk.

However, shortly later the three men returned and began throwing rocks at the officer, hitting him in the head, chest and shoulders. The officer called for back-up, but meanwhile, feeling like his life was in real danger, pulled out his gun to warn and deter the men. He shot towards the ground and a nearby wall. "I didn't shoot in the air out of fear of harming passersby since it's a populated area," the officer said at the investigation. The evidence regarding the bullet revealed in the investigation cited above, corroborates the officer's testimony.


This means that the bullet that hit the ground fragmented and a piece struck the victim, ending his life. [was this from Shamayim?]

The officer and his family is being threatened. By whom? This needs to be further investigated to see if “outside parties” are stoking the fire.

This entire ordeal is symptomatic of the dichotomy between the older generation and the younger generation of Olim. Especially that the Ethiopian Community is an ancient and very poor segment (albeit ghettoised) of the African community. The parents, Rabbis and Kessim are very mild, faithful and devoted to Jewish religious life. Not so for many of the younger ones, who are trying to find their way in the permissive and ill-guided "Israeli Youth Culture.” They can be looked upon as victims themselves. Trying to fit in, but frustrated because of the thousands of years of their Traditions that come in conflict with the modern Israeli lifestyle (and add to this the breakdown in morality, a sure sign of the end).

Remember the Yemenite Children fiasco? There were protests then also, met with severe police action and governmental overview. The Israeli Government just did not get it!

Now a repeat of that disaster is occurring within the Ethiopians, not torn asunder physically from their parents, but rather ideologically torn asunder.

Rabbi Dov Lipman wrote a good article, Lessons from the Ethiopian community protests, about his being stuck amidst the protesting for 5 hours, and his attempts to mediate, and the reactions of the other Israelis stuck in their cars. His impression was that the Israelis in the cars were sympathetic to their protests; however, after a number of hours they became agitated at the disturbance of their lives.

This “explosion” onto the pages of the papers and internet could be announcing the psychological breakdown of Israeli society [especially that the mossad purchased cigars for Bibi - ouch, big trouble brewing]. One cannot deny that the Zionist Dream is faltering.

1 comment:

moshe said...

This is what happens when the Jewish Agency or whatever just imported anyone who said they were Jews which we know so many are NOT. For instance, the Russian population that came and the Ethiopians. With the first immigration of the Ethiopians, they were considered real Jews but many of the Africans took advantage of this situation where they, too, can have a better life and said they were really Jews and had to convert to Xtianity, blah, blah. The original Ethiopians were very angry and disappointed that the the Israeli government did not heed their warning that these newcomers are NOT Jews. This has not only been bad for the Ethiopian Jewish community but, of course, for the whole community of Israel. The Erev Rav have done everything possible to deJudaize the Jewish State. Unless this problem is corrected on all fronts (i.e.,Shabbat desecration, immorality, etc., etc.), the problems will just get worse.

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