27 July 2019

Help a Child Eat a Meal at Yad Ezra V'Shulamit

Shlomo's story of giving and generosity is special. As Yad Ezra v'Shulamit's youngest donor, his lemonade stand helps other Jewish children in Israel who aren't as fortunate. Watch his story, and donate generously at YadEzra

Yad Ezra v’Shulamit


Today’s socio economic environment in Israel poses many challenges to the day-to-day lives of many struggling families. It can even be difficult for middle class families to manage their basic expenditures. This is a much larger concern for Israel’s underprivileged. While the Israeli government has several programs that assist those living below the poverty line, it is still not sufficient for them to ensure that their families have the food, clothing and education they need. Naturally, the consequences of this reality are devastating. Hundreds of thousands of children and families go without eating three proper meals per day. However, unfortunately it does not end with hunger. Hunger leads to depression, anxiety and puts kids at risk.
Yad Ezra V’Shulamit was founded in 1998 with the initial goal of providing immediate hunger relief to dozens of Israeli families in need. While this goal was the primary focal point and will always be considered to be part of the organization’s future donations, it was not the only aspect of the long term plan. From the beginning, we understood that poverty did not exist in a vacuum. Contributing food to the hungry may ease the immediate essential daily requirements for families living in dire conditions, but the perpetuation of poverty would still be prevalent. Therefore, we set out to truly break the cycle of poverty once and for all by providing a “full service” humanitarian offering of sorts. This would go on to include after school educational programs, academic enrichment via personalized tutoring, professional guidance, and activities for teens at risk. This type of charity focuses on the empowerment of the individual through tailored rehabilitation, which assists in building self-confidence and ultimately future success.
It has been quite some time since the year 1998. There are currently over 100,000 individuals who rely on Yad Ezra V’Shulamit for assistance, compared to a few dozen when we first started. While we feel honored to be able to help so many Jewish families, it is also a massive undertaking. With your help, we have been able to feed thousands of people and offer extracurricular activities, which subsequently breaks the cycle of poverty. Your direct online donations to our Jewish charity has helped with aiding the disadvantaged, and has also provided the funding necessary to help us open new projects and initiatives. 
As a non-profit organization aimed at extinguishing poverty in Israel, we are heavily reliant on donations to help us achieve our mission. We appreciate all of the support we receive and consider our donors direct partners in our organization. If you’d like to support our cause, please consider making a donation.

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